LOOK AT https://github.com/SolidarityEconomyAssociation/sea-map/wiki for latest code and documentation.
Colm Massey is reponsible for this repository.
Linked Open Data and geographic maps for the Solidarity Economy produced by the Solidarity Economy Association.
This work started with the ISE strategy for data, 2016. Implementing this strategy is work in progress, documented here in this repository's Wiki and the issue tracker.
The currently deployed source is in the data directory. It contains raw data for some datasets, together with the tools for tunning it into Linked Data, and deploying it to a website from which its URIs can be dereferenced, and deploying it to a Virtuoso database, with a SPARQL endpoint.
The source for the map application is in the map-app directory.
We are using DCAP-SSE and the ESSGlobal RDF Vocabulary, created by the ESS Global Taskforce and RIPESS Europe. There's a detailed document about it here.
The source for the ESSGlobal RDF vocabulary is now on GitHub. That is the best place to raise issues. Older issues may be found on the original ESS Global wiki.