DigitalDwagon / WikiBot

WikiBot: It archives wikis!
Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal
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WikiBot is a Discord and IRC bot for easy archiving of MediaWiki and DokuWiki based wikis. It spawns powershell or bash processes in the background to run the dokuWikiDumper and dumpgenerator commands respectively.

Note: Mediawiki uploading is currently Bash-only.


Note: this bot is NOT currently set up to be installed by other people (hardcoded Discord channels, google cloud bucket names, etc), though it is on my todo list. Dragona be here (not just me)! If you don't have it already, install JDK 17 (Link: and Python 3.9+

Install dokuWikiDumper for DokuWikis:

pip install dokuwikidumper

Install WikiTeam3 for MediaWikis:

pip install wikiteam3

Install ia CLI for uploading:

pip install internetarchive

Run ia configure to log into your Internet Archive account. You'll also need to create ~/doku_uploader_ia_keys (no file extension) with your Internet Archive s3-like API keys. Find them here: Only the access key on the first line, only the secret key on the second, with no further text.

Install 7z (p7zip-full) and zstd 1.5.5+, and add them to PATH.

Verify installations:

dokuWikiDumper --help
wikiteam3dumpgenerator --help
ia --help
zstd -V

You'll also need to install the Google Cloud CLI and configure application default credentials.

You can now run the bot!


In the same folder as the jar file, create a .env file with the following:

token=totallyrealdiscordtoken # The token for your discord bot user
ircpass=password123! # irc password for the bot to use
ircchannel=#example # IRC channel for the bot to use
ircnick=WikiBot # The irc nick for the bot to use
irclogin=true # use irc with authentication?
disable_doku_archive=false # disable dokuwiki archiving commands?
disable_mediawiki_archive=false # disable mediawiki archiving commands?
is_test=false # whether the bot is running in development mode