DigitalzombieTLD / FoxCompanion

A small companion mod for the lonely TLD player
GNU General Public License v3.0
6 stars 0 forks source link

The Long Dark - Snowfox companion mod - v0.9.9.5 "Fury, Then Silence" by Digitalzombie

How to install:

  1. Download and install "Melon Loader" by HerpDerpinstine This creates a new folder named "Mods" in your TLD folder.

  2. Extract everything from the ZIP file to your new TLD\Mods folder (overwrite old files)

  3. Delete any existing "FoxCompanion.json" file in your TLD\Mods folder!!!

  4. Download and install "ModSettings"-Mod by zeobviouslyfakeacc:

  5. Start the game!


How to use:

  1. Fox spawns automatically 2 seconds after you get in the game or transition to a new scene (eg. getting indoors/outdoors)

  2. You can customize options (controls etc) in the ModSettings menu found under: Main Menu -> Options -> Mod Settings -> Fox settings

  3. Toggle follow-mode by pressing the "Follow Player / Stop (Toggle)" key on your keyboard

  4. Teleport fox directly to you by pressing the "Teleport" key on your keyboard Useful if fox gets stuck or you lost it somewhere.

  5. Enter target & command mode by pressing the "Enable command mode" button. Aim in the general direction of a target. A red circle appears at targeted rabbits, a green one at items to fetch, blue at food for the fox. Press the left mouse button to order the fox to hunt the rabbit, fetch the item or eat the food. Press the right mouse button to cancel the command mode.

How to customize your own textures:

  1. Go to your TLD folder and locate the Mods\foxtures folder.

  2. You can edit any texture file located there and save it as a png file with the same name, but I recommend leaving the default textures and using the "customX.png" files instead. You can use any picture editing program.

  3. Change and apply the texture in the settings menu.

Hunger / hunting system

The fox can still hunt. It never gets hungry anymore though. You can still feed it for immersion.



Keep yourself up to date on the progress on:

Or on the TLD reddit:

Or on Discord:


Changelog: "Fury, Then Silence"





Known issues:

0.8.0 - First release