Growing tree region based treetop detection using low-resolution LiDAR data
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NEW FUCTION: Polygons of crowns #4

Closed j-miszczyszyn closed 1 month ago

j-miszczyszyn commented 1 month ago


did you consider to add function for creating polygons of the crown?

Best regards, Jakub

DijoG commented 1 month ago

Dear Jakub,

there are some options implemented in the lidR package: dalponte2016(), li2012(), see "Segmentation of the CHM" under Section 7.2: https://r-lidar.github.io/lidRbook/itd.html. For treetop-controlled (i.e., marker-controlled) watershed segmentation you can use the ForestTools::mcws() function, which is very nice since it requires an sf object representing the treetops' coordinates (point data) as input. For more details, please refer to: https://search.r-project.org/CRAN/refmans/ForestTools/html/mcws.html.

Take care, Gergo