DillanCMills / tab-stop

Utility extension for VS Code to insert spaces on the current line to a user-configured column number
MIT License
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tab-stop README

Set one or more tab stops to assist with aligning and formatting your code.


Tab Stop lets you specify one or more columns to indent your code to when invoking the extension. You can use it to fill space before your = signs to keep them aligned throughout your file, or keep all your line comments starting at the same column. You can also optionally change the character that gets filled from the default, .

If your cursor is past the last tab stop you provide, nothing will be filled. If you provide multiple characters to fill, it will cycle through them and stop at provided column, trimming the character string as needed.


Turn this: Before

Into this: After

Note: this is not an auto-formatter. I had to place cursors at each appropriate place in the example. I recommend binding the tab-stop.indent command to a keybinding so it is easy to invoke as you type.

This extension pairs nicely with VS Code's column markers. Set a marker to each tab stop so you have a visual indication of where you will indent to next.

Extension Settings

This extension contributes the following settings:

Known Issues


Release Notes


Fixed bug in tab-stop column sorting to handle values less than 10 and greater than 99.


Initial release of Tab Stop