DilshadPython / Python

This repo is only my training time to starting learning python from beginning until now, it can be updated anytimes and add new code for training purpose.
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This repo is only my training time to starting learning python from beginning until now, it can be updated anytimes and add new code for training purpose.

CPython --> written in C

Python Implementations

Jython --> written in Java IronPython --> written in .NET pypy --> written in RPython

Why Python is so Powerful because using in following technologies:

  1. Web Frameworks
  2. Scientific Computing
  3. Image Processing
  4. Databases
  5. Build Systems
  6. Documentation
  7. Persistence
  8. Math
  9. Operating System
  10. Crypotography
  11. Concurrency
  12. Web Protocols

Course Overview

  1. Getting Started
  2. Strings and Collections
  3. Modularity
  4. Built-in Types and the Object Model
  5. Collection Types
  6. Handling Exceptions
  7. Comperhensions, Iterables, and Generators
  8. Defining New Types with Classes
  9. Files and Resource management
  10. Shipping Working and Maintainable Code


In Python2.7 :

print 'Something'



/ called class division
/> 3/2
/> 1

In Python3+ :




/ called single division

/> 3/2

/> 1.5

create virtualenv with python version

mkvirtualenv xmlenv --python=/usr/bin/python3.5 mkvirtualenv xmlenv --python=/usr/bin/python3.6 mkvirtualenv xmlenv --python=/usr/bin/python3.7

Install venv with specific python version

sudo apt install python3.7 python3.7-dev python3.7-venv -y sudo apt install python3.6 python3.6-dev python3.6-venv -y sudo apt install python3.5 python3.5-dev python3.5-venv -y

sudo apt-get install build-essential libssl-dev libffi-dev python-dev sudo apt-get install build-essential libssl-dev libffi-dev python3-dev

sudo apt-get install build-essential checkinstall