Dimserene / ModpackManager

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Dimserene's Modpack Manager

Directions for First time users: open modpack manager -> install(or update) lovely -> select modpack -> download -> install -> save & install


Welcome to Dimserene's Modpack Manager! This tool helps you easily manage custom modpacks from Dimserene, for the game "Balatro." You can install, update, and customize modpacks using a simple interface.

System Requirements


  1. Download:

    • Get the latest Modpack Manager executable file from the release.
  2. Launch:

    • Double-click the modpack_manager-(version).exe file to start the program.


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Game Launch

  1. PLAY:
    • Start the game directly from the Modpack Manager with currently installed modpack.

Modpack Management

  1. Installed Pack Information:

    • Displays the name and version of the currently installed modpack.
  2. Refresh:

    • Refreshes the displayed information to currently installed modpack.
  3. Select Modpack:

    • Dropdown menu to choose which modpack you want to manage.
    • Ensure the correct modpack is selected before performing any actions.
  4. Download / Update:

    • Choose and download your desired modpacks easily.
    • This button fetches the latest modpacks from GitHub and updates (reclone) the currently selected modpack.
  5. Quick Update:

    • Quickly update the currently installed modpack (if failed, please perform reclone).
  6. Install (Copy):

    • Choose which mods to install.
    • Essential mods like ModpackUtil and Steamodded are forced to be included.
  7. Uninstall (Remove):

    • Uninstall the selected modpack by removing its files from the game’s mod directory.

Misc. Functions

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  1. Time Travel:

    • Roll back to an earlier version of a modpack or revert to current state using a dropdown menu.

      a. Version Dropdown:

      • Select the desired version of the modpack to revert to from the dropdown list.

      b. Submit Button:

      • After selecting a version, click this button to submit the selected version for further processing.

      c. Hash Display:

      • Displays the hash of the selected version, which uniquely identifies the commit for that version.

      d. Revert to Current Button:

      • Click this button to revert back to the latest version you've downloaded.

      e. Time Travel Button:

      • Initiates the process of reverting the modpack to the selected version.

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  1. Backup Save:

    • You can set a time interval for how often backups occur, ensuring your progress is always safe.

      f. Interval Input:

      • Set the interval (in seconds) for automatic backups.

      g. Preset Interval Buttons:

      • Quick buttons for setting common backup intervals.

      h. Backup Selection Dropdown:

      • Allows selection of custom backup file from a dropdown menu.

      i. Load Button:

      • Reload existing backup files.

      j. Restore Backup Button:

      • Restore a previous backup from the selected backup, and turn current save into backup file.

      k. Delete All Button:

      • Deletes all existing backups. Use with caution to ensure no important backups are lost.

      l. Open Folder Button:

      • Opens the folder where backups are stored.

      m.Start Button:

      • Begins the automatic backup process based on the set interval.

      n. Stop Button:

      • Stops the automatic backup process, preventing further backups until restarted.
  2. Check Versions:

    • Check the version of your installed modpack and compare it to the latest available version online.
  3. Install/Update Lovely:

    • The Lovely Injector can be installed and updated directly in the manager.

Discord Integration

  1. Join Discord:
    • Click the Discord button to join our community for help and updates.

User Preferences

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  1. Settings:

    • Customize your game executable, mods install paths, and profile management in the settings menu.

      o. Game Directory:

      • Manages the path to the game’s executable directory. This path can be browsed or opened directly from this section.

      p. Mods Directory:

      • Manages the path to the Mods folder where modpacks are installed. This path can also be browsed or opened directly.

      q. Profile Name:

      • select or enter the name of the game profile and executable, good for seperating vanilla game or different modpack installation.

      r.Set/Create Button:

      • After entering a profile name, use this button to set or create the profile if not exist.

      s. Reset to Default Button:

      • Resets all settings to their default values, discarding any custom configurations.

      t. Save Button:

      • Saves the current settings and configurations, ensuring they are retained for future use.

Mod List

  1. Mod List:
    • Access the mod list in Google Spreadsheets.

How to Use

  1. Start the Program:

    • Double-click the executable to open the Modpack Manager.
  2. Select a Modpack(4):

    • Choose your modpack and select the mods you want to install.
  3. Perform Actions:

    • Use the buttons in the interface to check versions(11), download modpacks(5), install mods(7), or update them(5 or 6).
  4. Set Paths & Open Folder:

    • Go to settings(14) to customize your game(o) and mod(p) install paths.
    • Open relavent folders from here.
    • Save your preferences(t) for future use.
  5. Launch the Game(1):

    • After installing mods, launch the game directly from the Modpack Manager.
  6. Revert Versions(9):

    • You can use the "Time Travel" feature to go back to an earlier version if needed.
  7. Configure Auto Backup(10):

    • Set a time interval for the automatic backup of your game saves.
    • The Modpack Manager will regularly back up your saves according to the interval you choose, ensuring your progress is always protected.


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↪Remove downloaded modpack folder manually and download again.

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↪Install prerequisite Git.

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↪Reboot your device and try again.

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↪The modpack manager is in the middle of downloading/updating modpacks or your game is currently launched via manager. Please be patient and wait for it to finish process.


For further help, click the Discord button in the Modpack Manager to join our community.

This manual covers the basics of using the Modpack Manager. Follow the steps to get the best experience managing your modpacks.