DinaAshrafElsayed / GPproject

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Create db ERD and Implement it to Oracle DB and add DDL (.sql) script to folder /db on repo #3

Closed eltntawy closed 7 years ago

eltntawy commented 7 years ago

DB Tables:

1. T_User
eltntawy commented 7 years ago

@adelzaid4 please add (mandatory fields to be not null, unique constraints )

adelzaid4 commented 7 years ago

Note: (bool) type isn't supported in ORACLE, instead I defined Boolean columns as char and we'll refer to it as (Y/N)

eltntawy commented 7 years ago

@adelzaid4, please make them byte or int to value (0 false /1 ture) to hibernate can map it automatically to Boolean

and sorry i forget to add points in item table so please add [T_Item.points] to table

adelzaid4 commented 7 years ago
