Project ShareIt
Our Persona
- Hamada (22-50)
- Mervat (22-50)
- System
- Admin
Milestone (Share_Item)
0.1- Hamada: can register as new user by:
- name
- email
- password
- pic
- address
- gender
0.2 System: after valid registration
- System: run HD5 hashing on Hamada password before saving it to db, and password should not be returned to client as plaintext
- System: initiate Hamada balance by 100 point
0.3 Hamada: can login by his email and password
- System: validate Hamada email and password
System: do login and redirect Hamada to his page
1.1- Mervat: can create item for sharing:
- Mervat should provide :
- item name
- category
- sharing description
- how many points needed for sharing.
1.2- System: checks for the max points allowed for this item by item category item.points <= category.points
2.1- Hamada: can view all items
2.2- Hamada: can search by :
- Location | category | name
2.3- Hamada: can request item to borrow:
- Hamada should provide:
- item from & time to.
- meeting point .
2.4- System can check the item available or not and validate time information.
3.1- Hamada: can cancel request before Mervate accept the request. if fared accepted the request Hamada will not be able to cancel the request.
4.1- Mervat: can view all here request
4.2- Mervat: can select Hamada’s request to accept.
4.3- Mervat: can delete Hamada’s request.
4.4- System: if Mervat accept Hamada’s request
- System: in one single transaction
- System: should Lock the item for Hamada
- System: Transfer the points from Hamada to Mervat's balance.
- System: Send notification to Hamada with
- points deducted
- interval time Hamada will borrow the item
- meeting point with Mervate
Our DB Tables:
1. T_User
- id (pk, integer)
- username(nn,varchar(20)
- email(unq, varchar(100)
- Address (vch(200))
- password(byte)
- gender (in other table or an enum in user class can mapped values from 0/1 to “male/female”)
- image-url(varchar(200)
- points(integer).
- id
- name (vch(20))
- description (vch(200))
- category (another table)
- is_available (bool)
- publish_date(sysdate).
- id (integer)
- name (vch(200))
- max_point (integer)
- id (integer)
- item (item)
- from_user (user)
- to_user (user)
- meeting_point (vch(200))
- status (can be another table or enum)
- time_from (date)
- time_to (date)
- activity_deleted(bool)