DingWB / PyComplexHeatmap

PyComplexHeatmap: A Python package to plot complex heatmap (clustermap)
MIT License
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Order messed after split rows #80

Open Bo-UT opened 3 weeks ago

Bo-UT commented 3 weeks ago


I split the rows whiling clustering, but it seems the order is completed messed up. Is there any setting to fix the split order? Thank you!

cm = pch.ClusterMapPlotter(pd.DataFrame(res_dict),
                    #   show_rownames=True,
                    #   show_colnames=True,
                      cmap="YlOrRd", vmin=0, vmax=0.5)



DingWB commented 3 weeks ago

Hi @Bo-UT ,

For row_split=int, rows would be clustered according to the row dendrogram structure, you can not change the order as you want (otherwise, the row dendrogram tree could not be plotted). To give a custom row_split_order, please use row_split=pd.Series or row_split=pd.DataFrame and give row_split_order=list to specify the order you want. Another method is to sort the rows and columns before plotting and run ClusterMapPlotter with row_cluster=False, col_cluster=False. Here are some relevant documentation: https://dingwb.github.io/PyComplexHeatmap/build/html/notebooks/cpg_modules.html#Plotting-the-Dot-clustermap https://dingwb.github.io/PyComplexHeatmap/build/html/notebooks/single_cell_methylation.html#Visualizing-Single-Cell-DNA-Methylation-Data-(Loyfer2023)

Bo-UT commented 3 weeks ago

Hi @DingWB,

Great. Thank you a lot!!