This tool queries the Apigee Analytics API to retrieve message_count (traffic volume) statistics for an organization, over a given year.
There are two options for output:
This example is not an official Google product, nor is it part of an official Google product.
This material is copyright 2018-2022 Google LLC. and is licensed under the Apache 2.0 license. See the LICENSE file.
Before you can use this tool, you need to get the pre-requisites. These are:
And before using the tool, you must install the pre-requisite packages this tool depends on:
$ npm install
After doing that, you can run the tool. Here's an example, invoking it without any options, which shows the usage message.
$ node ./trafficByApiSummarizer.js -help
node trafficByApiSummarizer.js [OPTION]
-M, --mgmtserver=ARG the base path, including optional port, of the Apigee mgmt server. Defaults to .
-u, --username=ARG org user with permissions to read Apigee configuration.
-p, --password=ARG password for the org user.
-n, --netrc retrieve the username + password from the .netrc file. In lieu of -u/-p
-o, --org=ARG the Apigee organization.
-Z, --ssoZone=ARG specify the SSO zone to use when authenticating.
--ssoUrl=ARG specify the SSO url to use when authenticating.
-C, --passcode=ARG specify the passcode to use when authenticating.
-J, --keyfile=ARG the keyfile for a service account, for use with
--token=ARG use this explicitly-provided oauth token.
--apigeex use for the mgmtserver.
-T, --notoken do not try to obtain an oauth token.
-N, --forcenew force obtain a new oauth token.
-v, --verbose
-h, --help
-P, --prior optional. use the prior (N-1) year or month. Default: the current year/month.
-d, --daily optional. collect daily data for the period. Default: collect monthly data.
-S, --sheet optional. create a Google Sheet with the data. Default: emit .csv file.
--start=ARG optional. a starting date in YYYYMMDD or YYYYMM format. Analyzes data until "now". Supercedes -P.
--through_eom optional. use with "start", analyzes until end of the month of "start". Default: until "now".
--nocache optional. do not use cached data; retrieve from stats API
This tool works by invoking the Apigee /stats APIs, and to do that, it requires authentication as an Apigee administrator or operator, with the proper authorization to do that.
Previously the tool supported a -S
option, which told it to create a Google
sheet. The description of this now-unsupported feature is here:
If you ask for a Google sheet as output (the
option), then the tool will also connect to Google sheets APIs. The tool will require a separate authentication for that. In this case, when Google cloud requests authentication to enable access to the Google sheets API, it will also prompt you for your consent, to allow the tool to create a sheet on your behalf. You need to grant consent to get the sheet.
Because of changes in the OAuth requirements for Google APIs, the -S
option is not currently working. To allow it to work, I would need to publish
this tool, and get it approved for wide distribution. Sadly, that's not
something I can do at this time.
BUT, this shouldn't be a problem. You can just generate the .CSV file, and
import it into your own sheet manually, and you get the same experience. The
option just automated that experience.
One drawback is, you'd need to create your own charts within the sheet to visualize it. I'll work on a solution using AppsScript that you can embed in your own sheet, to get the chart easily. (As of November 2023, this feature is in the backlog.)
These four examples all generate a CSV file that summarizes the traffic volume data for the current year, for an organization. They differ only in how they authenticate to Apigee.
option 1: using a previously generated token
node ./trafficByApiSummarizer.js -v --token ${EDGETOKEN} -o my-org-name -S
option 2: prompt for password
node ./trafficByApiSummarizer.js -v -u -o my-org-name -S
option 3: using .netrc
node ./trafficByApiSummarizer.js -v -n -o my-org-name -S
option 4: using an MFA code
node ./trafficByApiSummarizer.js -v -u -C $PASSCODE -o my-org-name -S
In the first case, the user provides a token that has been obtained separately, perhaps via the Apigee get_token tool.
In case 2, the script will prompt the user for an administrative password to Apigee in order to query the Admin API.
In case 3, the script will use the credentials in the .netrc file for No need to prompt for password.
In case 4, In the third case, the tool will exchange the username and the passcode for a token; this works for organizations that require multi-factor authentication (MFA).
In all cases, the user will separately be prompted to authenticate to Google, in order to grant consent to the "API Traffic Summarizer" app to generate a spreadsheet. Though the scope allows the tool to create and view sheets, the tool merely creates a new sheet. It does not read any existing sheets stored in Google drive. You need to grant consent once, the first time you run the tool.
The tool will perform several queries to the /stats API for Apigee, then with the resulting data, will create a spreadsheet with 2 sheets and 2 charts; one sheet will list the "per API Proxy" traffic volumes, and one will summarize the traffic by environment. Then 2 charts corresponding to the data in those sheets.
This can take a long time to run, if there's lots of data. You may want to use the -v option to see verbose output, to monitor the progress.
Generate a Google sheets document that summarizes the monthly traffic volume data since March 2023, until now, for an organization.
node ./trafficByApiSummarizer.js -n -v -o my-org-name -S --start 202203
Generate a .csv file that summarizes the traffic volume data for the current year, for an Apigee organization.
node ./trafficByApiSummarizer.js -n -o my-org-name
When you invoke the program without the -S option, a .csv file is emitted, and no Google sheets document is created. The .csv file includes the raw "per API proxy" data. It does not include a rollup count of API requests "per environment". Again, this can take a long time to run.
Generate a .csv file that summarizes the traffic volume data, by month, for the prior year (-P) for an Apigee organization.
node ./trafficByApiSummarizer.js -n -o my-org-name -P
Generate a google sheet that summarizes the traffic volume data, by day, for the prior month, for an organization.
node ./trafficByApiSummarizer.js -n -o my-org-name -d -P -S
Generate a CSV that summarizes the traffic volume data, by day, for a specific month, for an organization.
node ./trafficByApiSummarizer.js -n -o my-org-name --daily --start 20220301 --through_eom
The tool just layers on top of the documented Apigee Edge /stats API, which is documented here and here.
An example of a call that this script sends out to Apigee:
GET 07:00~11/30/2023 07:59