DinoDevs / GladiatusCrazyAddon

This was "A browser addon for the Gladiatus browser game."
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Gladiatus Update 4.3.1 Bugs #382

Closed FrutyX closed 2 years ago

FrutyX commented 2 years ago

Gameforge moved their images to a new URL location, so images GCA is using are not being loaded and that is causing a mess.

Reports are failing to detect enemies URL:

🟢 Status: FIXED

`Failed to detect enemy url("//gf3.geo.gfsrv.net/cdn29/bac7e539d61a9de6caec21363c2694.jpg")`

Mystery box rubies prices unknown:

🟢 Status: FIXED


Pantheon quests bugged:

🟢 Status: FIXED

``` pantheon.quests.js?4.3.6&built=1658150383374:82 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading '1') at Object.quests_reorder (pantheon.quests.js?4.3.6&built=1658150383374:82:122) at Object.inject (pantheon.quests.js?4.3.6&built=1658150383374:15:9) at fireLoad (pantheon.quests.js?4.3.6&built=1658150383374:180:23) ```

Guild battle report bugged:

🟢 Status: FIXED


Add to Target List bugged:

🟢 Status: FIXED


Gold&XP Statistics Icon bugged:

🟢 Status: FIXED


Negotium X enemies bugged:

🟢 Status: FIXED


Buffs bugged when viewing other player profiles:

🟢 Status: FIXED


CT and Dungeons table overview bugged:

🟢 Status: FIXED

![ct](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/23278552/179524567-f0e90b05-8ecf-4a88-ad6b-fffdbf6350f1.PNG) ``` Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found) char_status_kopf_b.jpg:1 Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found) char_status_abschluss_b.jpg:1 ```

Durability loss numbers are bugged with GCA enabled:

🟢 Status: FIXED


Attack guild button missing in War Master Hall:

🟢 Status: FIXED


Library level indicator bugged:

🟢 Status: FIXED


... more will be added when found.

GramThanos commented 2 years ago

Sum up:

Show enemy drops was disabled - (a walk-a-round to identify NPCs is needed) Reorder quests was disabled - (a walk-a-round to identify quest categories is needed) Image caching was disabled - (this was a Gladiatus bug fix feature, we have to re script it, the bug is still here)

FrutyX commented 2 years ago

⚠️ A very quick list update has been made.

GreatApo commented 2 years ago

Sum up:

Show enemy drops was disabled - (a walk-a-round to identify NPCs is needed) Reorder quests was disabled - (a walk-a-round to identify quest categories is needed) Image caching was disabled - (this was a Gladiatus bug fix feature, we have to re script it, the bug is still here)

For NPCs the fastest way is probably caching the names when you visit each location. For quests, more extreme measures like identifying images by comparing pixels at specific locations of converting the images to base64 may be required (that may be heavy for old PCs).

GramThanos commented 2 years ago

Sum up: Show enemy drops was disabled - (a walk-a-round to identify NPCs is needed) Reorder quests was disabled - (a walk-a-round to identify quest categories is needed) Image caching was disabled - (this was a Gladiatus bug fix feature, we have to re script it, the bug is still here)

For NPCs the fastest way is probably caching the names when you visit each location. For quests, more extreme measures like identifying images by comparing pixels at specific locations of converting the images to base64 may be required (that may be heavy for old PCs).

NPCs > You have to identify the location too Quests > The images are loaded from an other domain, thus javascript does not have access to their pixels.

FrutyX commented 2 years ago

After a while, found a new bug, added on the list.

FrutyX commented 2 years ago

According from what I've seen on Glad discord, it appears the "attack other guilds" button is bugged with GCA enabled, can someone confirm this? I can't, no guilds to attack.

GramThanos commented 2 years ago

FYI, since message icons changed, the addon can't detect the message type, thus features like loading the guild battle report do not work.

FrutyX commented 2 years ago

Uhhh, what feature was that again, I haven't seen that in a while.


This is supposed to look different right? There was an overview of the battle I believe?

GramThanos commented 2 years ago

The addon was loading the report and was showing the battle results in a report like way (attacker vs defender with points).

FrutyX commented 2 years ago

I see, added on the list.

FrutyX commented 2 years ago

Very awesome, Thanos is today's MVP.

SleepingShadow-bit commented 2 years ago

Unfortunately I don't see any change in the quest. Correctly?

FrutyX commented 2 years ago

Something wrong on your side, it is fixed, remove the addon completely.

SleepingShadow-bit commented 2 years ago

New downloaded Data and cache cleared... Grml. I will check again dude

GreatApo commented 2 years ago

New downloaded Data and cache cleared... Grml. I will check again dude

It's just reordering the quests, not too much of a change

SleepingShadow-bit commented 2 years ago

Reinstalled twice - no success. Third time installed - fine.
Thanks for the fix

FrutyX commented 2 years ago

Btw, you did reinstalled, but have you restarted your browser? I want the truth :D

SleepingShadow-bit commented 2 years ago

Btw, you did reinstalled, but have you restarted your browser? I want the truth :D

Hmm good question. I don't think so haha Its my bad xD

GramThanos commented 2 years ago

Probably we will have to move CDN related code to a new script... The resources drop will work now, but not all enemies can be identified.

FrutyX commented 2 years ago

Oh god location

GreatApo commented 2 years ago

Oh god

Can you paste the links?

FrutyX commented 2 years ago

Yes of course, sorry.

FrutyX commented 2 years ago

Here is some more, two last Britannia locations are locked for me unfortunately.




GreatApo commented 2 years ago

That should be enough data for that Thanos to crack the rest :P Alternatively, we will have to gather them by hand.

FrutyX commented 2 years ago

By the way, I know this is still work in progress, but with those URLs added, I am still getting those reverse lookup url errors, just letting you know.

FrutyX commented 2 years ago

Alright, so now tell me, what is the status of detect enemies bug? Are you gonna improve it or we can call it fixed? We don't have the two last Britannia locations, I don't know if Thanos can get them without accessing them, if not, just tell me and I will put some personal effort, to get those URLs from someone.

GreatApo commented 2 years ago

Alright, so now tell me, what is the status of detect enemies bug? Are you gonna improve it or we can call it fixed? We don't have the two last Britannia locations, I don't know if Thanos can get them without accessing them, if not, just tell me and I will put some personal effort, to get those URLs from someone.

Thanos managed to optimize and get the hash keys for most images, but some of them (the ones commented) are wrong (they probably have a different optimisation and different hashes are generated. We will gradually collect them all, you don't have to gather the links because I still need to sort them and link them to the previous image links.

FrutyX commented 2 years ago

Alright then, if you need some help in a way I am able to, you know where to find me.

I'll keep it as WIP status for now.

FrutyX commented 2 years ago

Failed to detect enemies in underworld when a secondary drop drops (no costume), but I can also see that UW enemies weren't added yet, so if this is helpful:

Our avatar (no costume): https://gf2.geo.gfsrv.net/cdn12/124a63795958541c73a4e72afa1eb1.jpg Mercury: https://gf1.geo.gfsrv.net/cdn67/3754533f396ef58b2a2e6e10ae2ce1.jpg Dead Souls: https://gf1.geo.gfsrv.net/cdn0e/150f321a110eb56d29722525352ab8.jpg Ferryman Charon: https://gf1.geo.gfsrv.net/cdnc2/45b98b77994de23b38c7d7a4c66cc6.jpg

Cerberus: https://gf3.geo.gfsrv.net/cdn55/23d1b46fc425b94d47901cfa26b617.jpg Aeacus: https://gf1.geo.gfsrv.net/cdn3a/91992511c6e3d3a12395c809a2af6b.jpg Rhadamanthus: https://gf3.geo.gfsrv.net/cdneb/a0bee3578089807e4903068fb7bf78.jpg Minos: https://gf3.geo.gfsrv.net/cdn2d/bf68cbfb4a12f9876f83cd855ba703.jpg

Hydra: https://gf2.geo.gfsrv.net/cdn1a/abc607343a9b46c6b69173b19f434f.jpg Centimanes: https://gf2.geo.gfsrv.net/cdn40/229a35f7226acf2deb140a59394853.jpg Tisiphone: https://gf1.geo.gfsrv.net/cdn36/46eebfc698733002bdb9d50168fa34.jpg Typhon: https://gf2.geo.gfsrv.net/cdn40/ad32b6084a5cf5178b83d6a0ee3230.jpg

Proserpina: https://gf2.geo.gfsrv.net/cdnd2/6703d930e67e77674d505a6c2c9d3a.jpg Alecto & Megaera: https://gf3.geo.gfsrv.net/cdn20/45bc06f6e42d5840b4cb077809bced.jpg Sphinx: https://gf2.geo.gfsrv.net/cdn70/739ca8bf810cde7cac6ab78c2da517.jpg Dis Pater: https://gf1.geo.gfsrv.net/cdnf8/78e9dd30a5e0f07d5be66c9bae9dd4.jpg

(Bonus) Unknown: https://gf2.geo.gfsrv.net/cdnae/904194973d21066c96cb414d04d676.jpg

FrutyX commented 2 years ago

The feature, that is supposed to show rubies price in the mystery box prize pool is bugged, it appears it's also because of image links:

![rubies](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/23278552/180775477-3e968fd9-5119-49e9-a29f-782c72b2a0d0.PNG) ![rubiesprices](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/23278552/180775482-d565a436-c4c2-45f8-aa84-5ce74ba982d9.PNG)
FrutyX commented 2 years ago

Nevermind, ignore the last message (deleted it), it was something I caused :).

GramThanos commented 2 years ago

The only problem that still exists is the fact that some images are the same for multiple NPC enemies, thus from the url of the CDN image, we can not understand which NPM it is. In these cases, the addon assumes that the it is the first of the NPCs. This may cause problems on the drop statistics but for now, I think these NPCs are not in expedition locations.

I craweld the images from the gamefoge servers, and added all the enemies from the expeditions on the data. Furthermore, following gf approach, I implemented a code to try and map images that the addon is using on the CDN servers to reduce the load on the main game servers. This uses as a fall back the /cdn/ directory.

So right now you may encounter an error Image link "{CDN-LINK-HERE}" was not found on CDN lookup list. which does not break the addon but informs us that this image is missing from our data. And also you may encounter a warning Image path "{OLD-IMG-PATH}" was not found on CDN lookup list. Using "{CDN-FOLDER-FALLBACK}". which just informs us that data to map this image to the CDN server are missing.

GramThanos commented 2 years ago

To sum up. Expedition drops should work. On mystery box not all custome drops are detectable (does not affect outcoume). Not all images used from the addon points to the CDN (does not affect the addon's operation).

Thus, if we don't have any other problem, we may start releasing a version.

FrutyX commented 2 years ago

So for now, this is expected?


GramThanos commented 2 years ago

it depends on where you found it.

FrutyX commented 2 years ago

I've reinstalled GCA and restarted my browser to be sure, it seems this one is gone now, but I'll keep my eye on it.

FrutyX commented 2 years ago

Hmmm, the stuff that is not buyable for rubies, or does not have a ruby value, should probably not have a value shown? Potions are an example.


FrutyX commented 2 years ago

@GramThanos I need something from you, a confirmation, all I need you to do is, to make me a screen of an enemy, but the enemy needs his materials shown, that's all.

FrutyX commented 2 years ago

And as he magically appeared, he also disappeared 🤣 .

GramThanos commented 2 years ago

It's beer o'clock mate.

GreatApo commented 2 years ago


FrutyX commented 2 years ago

Nice, now that is understandable!

GramThanos commented 2 years ago

@FrutyX image

FrutyX commented 2 years ago

Good, thanks.

With those updates and merges, Gameforge also did some changes to their CSS (or just the page layout), and some GCA things are moved, however I wanted an confirmation, because I am using a custom scaling in my Windows, and sometimes it's changing things the way they should not look like (bad page rendering, but they did improved it a lot in Chrome), I do have my ways to test it, but I wanted to be 100% sure.

FrutyX commented 2 years ago

Hmm, I think the training page doesn't work, can you do a quick check?

Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected identifier (at training.js?4.3.6&built=1659739158298:220:61)

FrutyX commented 2 years ago

Think I've fixed it, I guess.

GramThanos commented 2 years ago

Kind of :P

It was a syntax error, meaning the interpreter (the program that reads and executes the code) was not able to read the file as the JavaScript syntax was not correct.

In particular we had a string, then space, then a function call. You added the semicolon, which fixed the syntax but this was not the intended thing to do. The part that I broke was that I forgot to add a + sign, which means concatenate the string with the function call's return value, creating a new string.

Got it?

FrutyX commented 2 years ago

Yeah, probably, yes, I do.


FrutyX commented 2 years ago

Well, if you don't plan any changes or improvements for the reports and mystery box values, I would say we are pretty much ready to release 4.3.6, however, there is always room for improvements, testing and bug catching, always something to do, and since you don't release a new version very often, then we need to make sure, that this is it.

FrutyX commented 2 years ago

I am aware, that you are aware, but if any helpful:

Not found on CDN lookup list:


Failed to detect enemy:

https://gf1.geo.gfsrv.net/cdnf8/78e9dd30a5e0f07d5be66c9bae9dd4.jpg https://gf3.geo.gfsrv.net/cdn29/bac7e539d61a9de6caec21363c2694.jpg

Looking for errors is pain now, because logged errors are spammed with all these cdn warnings.