Discord-Robots / Discord.js-v14-Template

Discord.js v14 Template based on Lyxcode's Handler
The Unlicense
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Discord.js v14 Template based on Lyxcode's Handler


Logs Everything to the console when starting


Easy to Read

Slash Commands:

const { SlashCommandBuilder, PermissionsBitField } = require("discord.js");

module.exports = {
    ownerOnly: boolean, //  whether command can only be used by the bot owner? true or false
    developer: boolean, // weather the command is for developer guild or global: true or false
    data: new SlashCommandBuilder()
        .setName('name') // command name - Must be lowercase!!
        .setDescription('description') // command description
        .setDefalultMemberPermissions(PermissionsBitField.Flags.<permission>), // member permissions
  async execute (interaction, client) => {
    // Code here


module.exports = {
    subCommand: "commandName.subcommandName",
    async execute (interaction, client) => {
        // Code here


module.exports = {
    id: "custom_id", // Must be lowercase
  async execute (interaction, client) => {
    // Code here

Getting Started

Click Use this template at the top of this page or fork the repo to your own profile.



Found any bugs or have any suggestion about the template? Create an issue or pull request!