DisplacedHiggs / NJetsEstimate

code for background estimate
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Code for background estimate designed to run at the LPC

Running Instructions:

Set up code:

git clone git@github.com:DisplacedHiggs/NJetsEstimate.git
cd NJetsEstimate

Make sure the input and output directories are correct in nJetsVars.list (and the rest of your variable choices). Also, in nJetsEstimate_LPC.py, you have the choice to set deltaRmode and singleEffMode to true or false.

Warning: If you change the "deltaR" variable in nJetsEstimate_LPC.py to an event-level, rather than jet-level quantity, it gets a bit messy. You must use special jet-entry trees and follow "reverse comments for NGOODVERTICES" comment. This is set up in the njet branch.

Run the code

Note, each of these steps takes a few hours:

bash createNJets.sh
cp scripts/submitNJets.condor .
condor_submit submitNJets.condor
bash prepareNJetsPlots.sh

More Details from Sri

The general workflow for how this works is as follows.

Here is a description of the different files used.