Distributive-Network / PythonMonkey

A Mozilla SpiderMonkey JavaScript engine embedded into the Python VM, using the Python engine to provide the JS host environment.
830 stars 37 forks source link
cpp javascript python pythonmonkey spidermonkey


Test and Publish Suite


PythonMonkey is a Mozilla SpiderMonkey JavaScript engine embedded into the Python Runtime, using the Python engine to provide the Javascript host environment.

We feature JavaScript Array and Object methods implemented on Python List and Dictionaries using the cPython C API, and the inverse using the Mozilla Firefox Spidermonkey JavaScript C++ API.

This project has reached MVP as of September 2024. It is under maintenance by Distributive.

External contributions and feedback are welcome and encouraged.


$ pip install pythonmonkey
from pythonmonkey import eval as js_eval

js_eval("console.log")('hello, world')


Data Interchange


Build Instructions

Read this if you want to build a local version.

  1. You will need the following installed (which can be done automatically by running ./setup.sh):

    • bash
    • cmake
    • Doxygen 1.9 series (if you want to build the docs)
    • graphviz (if you want to build the docs)
    • llvm
    • rust
    • python3.8 or later with header files (python3-dev)
    • spidermonkey latest from mozilla-central
    • npm (nodejs)
    • Poetry
    • poetry-dynamic-versioning
  2. Run poetry install. This command automatically compiles the project and installs the project as well as dependencies into the poetry virtualenv. If you would like to build the docs, set the BUILD_DOCS environment variable, like so: BUILD_DOCS=1 poetry install. PythonMonkey supports multiple build types, which you can build by setting the BUILD_TYPE environment variable, like so: BUILD_TYPE=Debug poetry install. The build types are (case-insensitive):

    • Release: stripped symbols, maximum optimizations (default)
    • DRelease: same as Release, except symbols are not stripped
    • Debug: minimal optimizations
    • Sanitize: same as Debug, except with AddressSanitizer enabled
    • Profile: same as Debug, except profiling is enabled
    • None: don't compile (useful if you only want to build the docs)

If you are using VSCode, you can just press Ctrl + Shift + B to run build task - We have the tasks.json file configured for you.

Running tests

  1. Compile the project
  2. Install development dependencies: poetry install --no-root --only=dev
  3. From the root directory, run poetry run pytest ./tests/python
  4. From the root directory, run poetry run bash ./peter-jr ./tests/js/

For VSCode users, similar to the Build Task, we have a Test Task ready to use.

Using the library

npm (Node.js) is required during installation only to populate the JS dependencies.

Install from PyPI

$ pip install pythonmonkey

Install the nightly build

$ pip install --extra-index-url https://nightly.pythonmonkey.io/ --pre pythonmonkey

Use local version

pythonmonkey is available in the poetry virtualenv once you compiled the project using poetry.

$ poetry run python
Python 3.10.6 (main, Nov 14 2022, 16:10:14) [GCC 11.3.0] on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import pythonmonkey as pm
>>> hello = pm.eval("() => {return 'Hello from Spidermonkey!'}")
>>> hello()
'Hello from Spidermonkey!'

Alternatively, you can build installable packages by running

$ cd python/pminit && poetry build --format=sdist && cd - && mv -v python/pminit/dist/* ./dist/
$ poetry build --format=wheel

and install them by pip install ./dist/*.


Installing pythonmonkey will also install the pminit package as a dependency. However, pip uninstalling a package won't automatically remove its dependencies.
If you want to cleanly remove pythonmonkey from your system, do the following:

$ pip uninstall pythonmonkey pminit

Debugging Steps

  1. build the project locally
  2. To use gdb, run poetry run gdb python. See Python Wiki: DebuggingWithGdb

If you are using VSCode, it's more convenient to debug in VSCode's built-in debugger. Simply press F5 on an open Python file in the editor to start debugging - We have the launch.json file configured for you.


Official API

These methods are exported from the pythonmonkey module. See definitions in python/pythonmonkey/pythonmonkey.pyi.

eval(code, options)

Evaluate JavaScript code. The semantics of this eval are very similar to the eval used in JavaScript; the last expression evaluated in the code string is used as the return value of this function. To evaluate code in strict mode, the first expression should be the string "use strict".


The eval function supports an options object that can affect how JS code is evaluated in powerful ways. They are largely based on SpiderMonkey's CompileOptions. The supported option keys are:



Return the exports of a CommonJS module identified by moduleIdentifier, using standard CommonJS semantics


A Python Dict which is equivalent to the globalThis object in JavaScript.

createRequire(filename, extraPaths, isMain)

Factory function which returns a new require function

runProgramModule(filename, argv, extraPaths)

Load and evaluate a program (main) module. Program modules must be written in JavaScript. Program modules are not necessary unless the main entry point of your program is written in JavaScript.

Care should be taken to ensure that only one program module is run per JS context.


Examines the string code and returns False if the string might become a valid JS statement with the addition of more lines. This is used internally by pmjs and can be very helpful for building JavaScript REPLs; the idea is to accumulate lines in a buffer until isCompilableUnit is true, then evaluate the entire buffer.


Returns a Python function which invokes function with the JS new operator.

import pythonmonkey as pm

>>> pm.eval("class MyClass { constructor() { console.log('ran ctor') }}")
>>> MyClass = pm.eval("MyClass")
>>> MyClass()
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
pythonmonkey.SpiderMonkeyError: TypeError: class constructors must be invoked with 'new'

>>> MyClassCtor = pm.new(MyClass)
>>> MyClassCtor()
ran ctor


This is the JS typeof operator, wrapped in a function so that it can be used easily from Python.

Standard Classes and Globals

All of the JS Standard Classes (Array, Function, Object, Date...) and objects (globalThis, FinalizationRegistry...) are available as exports of the pythonmonkey module. These exports are generated by enumerating the global variable in the current SpiderMonkey context. The current list is:

undefined, Boolean, JSON, Date, Math, Number, String, RegExp, Error, InternalError, AggregateError, EvalError, RangeError, ReferenceError, SyntaxError, TypeError, URIError, ArrayBuffer, Int8Array, Uint8Array, Int16Array, Uint16Array, Int32Array, Uint32Array, Float32Array, Float64Array, Uint8ClampedArray, BigInt64Array, BigUint64Array, BigInt, Proxy, WeakMap, Map, Set, DataView, Symbol, Intl, Reflect, WeakSet, Promise, WebAssembly, WeakRef, Iterator, AsyncIterator, NaN, Infinity, isNaN, isFinite, parseFloat, parseInt, escape, unescape, decodeURI, encodeURI, decodeURIComponent, encodeURIComponent, Function, Object, debuggerGlobal, FinalizationRegistry, Array, globalThis

Built-In Functions

See definitions in python/pythonmonkey/global.d.ts. Including:

CommonJS Subsystem Additions

The CommonJS subsystem is activated by invoking the require or createRequire exports of the (Python) pythonmonkey module.

Type Transfer (Coercion / Wrapping)

When sending variables from Python into JavaScript, PythonMonkey will intelligently coerce or wrap your variables based on their type. PythonMonkey will share backing stores (use the same memory) for ctypes, typed arrays, and strings; moving these types across the language barrier is extremely fast because there is no copying involved.

Note: There are plans in Python 3.12 (PEP 623) to change the internal string representation so that every character in the string uses four bytes of memory. This will break fast string transfers for PythonMonkey, as it relies on the memory layout being the same in Python and JavaScript. As of this writing (July 2023), "classic" Python strings still work in the 3.12 beta releases.

Where shared backing store is not possible, PythonMonkey will automatically emit wrappers that use the "real" data structure as its value authority. Only immutable intrinsics are copied. This means that if you update an object in JavaScript, the corresponding Dict in Python will be updated, etc.

JavaScript Array and Object methods are implemented on Python List and Dictionaries, and vice-versa.

Python Type JavaScript Type
String string
Integer number
Bool boolean
Function function
Dict object
List Array
datetime Date object
awaitable Promise
Error Error object
Buffer ArrayBuffer
JavaScript Type Python Type
string pythonmonkey.JSStringProxy (String)
number Float
bigint pythonmonkey.bigint (Integer)
boolean Bool
function pythonmonkey.JSFunctionProxy pythonmonkey.JSMethodProxy (Function Method)
object - most pythonmonkey.JSObjectProxy (Dict)
object - Date datetime
object - Array pythonmonkey.JSArrayProxy (List)
object - Promise awaitable
object - ArrayBuffer Buffer
object - type arrays Buffer
object - Error Error


Integer Type Coercion

You can force a number in JavaScript to be coerced as an integer by casting it to BigInt:

function myFunction(a, b) {
  const result = calculate(a, b);
  return BigInt(Math.floor(result));

The pythonmonkey.bigint object works like an int in Python, but it will be coerced as a BigInt in JavaScript:

import pythonmonkey

def fn myFunction()
  result = 5
  return pythonmonkey.bigint(result)

Symbol injection via cross-language IIFE

You can use a JavaScript IIFE to create a scope in which you can inject Python symbols:

globalThis.python.exit = pm.eval("""'use strict';
(exit) => function pythonExitWrapper(exitCode) {
  if (typeof exitCode === 'number')
    exitCode = BigInt(Math.floor(exitCode));

Run Python event-loop

You need an event-loop running to use setTimeout and Promise<=>awaitable coercion.

import asyncio

async def async_fn():
  await pm.eval("""
    new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout((...args) => {
      }, 1000, 42, "abc")
  await pm.eval("async (x) => await x")(asyncio.sleep(0.5))



A basic JavaScript shell, pmjs, ships with PythonMonkey. This shell can act as a REPL or run JavaScript programs; it is conceptually similar to the node shell which ships with Node.js.


Pmjs starts PythonMonkey's CommonJS subsystem, which allow it to use CommonJS modules, with semantics that are similar to Node.js - e.g. searching module.paths, understanding package.json, index.js, and so on. See the ctx-module for a full list of supported features.

In addition to CommonJS modules written in JavaScript, PythonMonkey supports CommonJS modules written in Python. Simply decorate a Dict named exports inside a file with a .py extension, and it can be loaded by require() -- in either JavaScript or Python.

Program Module

The program module, or main module, is a special module in CommonJS. In a program module:

$ echo "console.log('hello world')" > my-program.js
$ pmjs my-program.js
hello world

CommonJS Module: JavaScript language

// date-lib.js - require("./date-lib")
const d = new Date();
exports.today = `${d.getFullYear()}-${String(d.getMonth()).padStart(2,'0')}-${String(d.getDay()).padStart(2,'0')}`

CommonJS Module: Python language

# date-lib.py - require("./date-lib")
from datetime import date # You can use Python libraries.
exports['today'] = date.today()

Troubleshooting Tips

CommonJS (require)

If you are having trouble with the CommonJS require function, set environment variable DEBUG='ctx-module*' and you can see the filenames it tries to load.


PythonMonkey has a built-in gdb-like JavaScript command-line debugger called pmdb, which would be automatically triggered on debugger; statements and uncaught exceptions.

To enable pmdb, simply call from pythonmonkey.lib import pmdb; pmdb.enable() before doing anything on PythonMonkey.

import pythonmonkey as pm
from pythonmonkey.lib import pmdb



Run help command in pmdb to see available commands.

(pmdb) > help
List of commands:
• ...
• ...


$ pmjs

Welcome to PythonMonkey v1.0.0.
Type ".help" for more information.
> .python import sys
> .python sys.path
$1 = { '0': '/home/wes/git/pythonmonkey2',
  '1': '/usr/lib/python310.zip',
  '2': '/usr/lib/python3.10',
  '3': '/usr/lib/python3.10/lib-dynload',
  '4': '/home/wes/.cache/pypoetry/virtualenvs/pythonmonkey-StuBmUri-py3.10/lib/python3.10/site-packages',
  '5': '/home/wes/git/pythonmonkey2/python' }
> $1[3]