Dittly / website

🔨 The Dittly Website
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Table of contents

Getting Started

  1. Install all project dependencies (we use yarn, make sure you have it installed):
  2. Start the development server
    yarn dev
  3. Visit http://localhost:3000

What we care about

At Dittly, we care about

Our customers. They expect a platform that

Our team. To exceed what our customers expect, we


Naming Conventions

The following naming conventions apply:

Pattern Variables Type
*-sc.js mainHeaderSC Styled-Component.
*-stories.js N/A Storybook stories.
*-gq.js N/A GrahQL definition file.
pages/* N/A Top-level, lightweight page components. Use with-auth or with-data HOCs if required. Define URL structure.
src/* N/A Components used in pages/*. Deal with GraphQL queries, loading state, etc. here.
components/* N/A Pure React components, ideally functional components.

Tech Stack

Mainly Javascript (ES6+). For 3rd party services, see below.


The following development tools help with code quality, formatting, and general automation:


We follow the GitHub Flow. In short:

Event tracking

One of our core principles is monitor everything. Every new sign up, every project created, every failed project update, everything gets tracked.

To track an event, the client can send a POST request to /_track/:collection with an application/json payload that represents the event data.

Note: Make sure the :collection name is whitelisted in utils/tracking.js.


Dittly is deployed on the Now platform (https://zeit.co/now).

Test URLs

Before you deploy, make sure you use the Dittly team: now teams ls. Contact Mike if you're not part of that team.

To deploy a test build, run:


The deployment URL is automatically copied to your clipboard. Paste it into a browser to get real-time updates of the deployment process.


Once you have a test URL your happy with, deploy it with:

now alias <test-url>

Alias configuration

Please refer to the now.json configuration file at the project root for further deployment configuration options.

3rd Party Services

We rely on 3rd party services to automate as many tasks as possible.