DiviProject / divi-smart-node

Get a Divi core node up and running on a Raspberry Pi device in a flash (pun intended)
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Divi Smart Node

Get a Divi core node up and running on a Raspberry Pi device in a flash (pun intended).

System requirements

We recommend a Raspberry Pi 4 device with a 32GB Class 10 microSD card and 4GB of RAM. This is the only configuration on which this implementation has been tested.

Note: While no issues have been found with this implementation, this software is considered to be in an Alpha stage. Use at your own risk and always back up your mnemonic seed phrase before transacting with any real funds


  1. Download the latest image. Note: The latest image is for the Raspberry Pi 4. If you would like the older, 3b+ image, click here
  2. Use Etcher or similar software to flash the image to a microSD Card (64GB recommended).
  3. Insert the flashed microSD card into your Raspberry Pi 3b+ device and turn on.
  4. On boot, you will be prompted to enter an RPC username, type one of your choosing and press ENTER.
  5. The node will configure itself and begin to sync automatically, use the node as usual via the command line.

For more information on CLI commands, see our wiki page


Autostart Configuration

The autostart configuration can be found at ~/.config/lxsession/LXDE-pi/autostart

Divi Config Script (first run)

This process is automated and does not require any user input. The divi daemon (divid) is run at the system level as a service.

A script called divisetup-run.sh will run the first time the image is booted. It is located at /home/pi/divisetup-run.sh and performs the following actions:

Divi Config Script (subsequent runs)

After the initial setup, a script named divi-startup.sh runs on boot. It is located at /home/pi/divi-startup.sh and performs the following actions:

Divi Shutdown Script

Note: Shutdown script has not been confirmed as working and should be considered a known issue.


Several bash aliases are present in the root directory's .bash_aliases file.

aliasfile opens the alias file for editing
aliasreload reloads the shell
sweep deletes .bash_history and closes the terminal
init-divi-conf resets divisetup-run.sh to reconfigure divid on next boot
dli alias for ./divi-cli. Run any divi-cli command with dli <command>
dividebug tails the debug log
divistart starts ./divid
diviservicestart starts the divid.service system service
diviservicestop stops divid.service
diviservicestatus prints the divid.service status for debugging
diviclearcache removes unnecessary data directory files
divirefresh starts ./divid with the -reindex flag
divirescan starts ./divid with the -rescan flag
dividir quick access to the DIVI directory
datadir quick access tho the Divi data directory where config files, etc. are found
diviuserdelete DANGER: This command removes all user-specific files, including wallet.dat. Use with extreme caution


Q. Can I run a masternode on a Raspberry Pi?

A. Yes, see our wiki page for instructions.

Q. Can I use this Raspbian image as a "stake box?"

A. Yes, just be sure to back up your mnemonic seed phrase in case of SD card errors or any other issues.