Divide-By-0 / ideas-for-projects-people-would-use

Every time I have an idea, I write it down. These are a collection of my top software ideas -- problems I think enough people have that don't have solutions. I expect you can reach a decent userbase if marketed correctly, as I am surely not the only one with these problems.
MIT License
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awesome awesome-list chrome-extension free ideas independent music playlist software spotify startup whattodo

Ideas for Software that People Would Actually Use

Inspired by https://github.com/joereynolds/what-to-code.

These ideas, as far as I know, don't exist yet (or have done a poor job with SEO on Google). These are also ideas I desperately wish I could have tried at least once, meaning many others probably have as well. It's difficult to stay motivated coding or on a side project when you don't know if people will use it, or if your end goal is solving a solved problem. This list aims to fix that.

This list is around 100 curated ideas, and I hope to hit 150 by the end of 2023. Stay tuned, as I have several hundred on my list (the majority of them are patently ridiculous and not a good use of anyone's time to read).

Feel free to use these for a hackathon, side project, or hacklodge project -- I'd love to see them get built! If you're curious about an idea but don't know where to start, just reach out to me at aayushg@mit.edu; I'd be happy to give pointers on the frameworks I'd use, the high-level design, and/or the best way to learn how to build them. Ideas include apps, web apps, and chrome extensions. All I ask for is they are open source, credit is given to Aayush or yush_g or Divide-By-0, and your repo + site link back to this list (the shortlink is https://aayushg.com/ideas) :)


If you fully deploy the project publicly, I award free hosting and small cash prizes at $200 per idea ($400 per crypto idea). I personally put in $200 (crypto ideas additionally 2x matched by @smsunarto). This is at my discretion so people don't game the system or feel cheated; the point is to build the project for learning and self-satisfaction, not the grant -- the money is mostly just so it can continue to exist :). I will likely fund any good-faith implementation. Reach out to me if you're interested in helping sponsor bounties as well!

Total projects built: 17.

Finished + Paid out Bounties

### Functional Encryption-based Witness Encrypted Tinder **Bounty Prompt**: - Witness Encypted Tinder: Implement Protocol Labs’ [new construction](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1GEfm77BfKRz1Xzby89era8KOgalqn00L/view) or [this non-succinct one](https://eprint.iacr.org/2021/1423.pdf), and then build a proof of concept Tinder where everyone selects 5 people they want to match with, and are only matched if people select each other. First, everyone commits to, say, 5 people they are most interested in. Those 5 people should get only notified if they also commit to that person as one of their chosen 5 as well. So, after everyone commits, those commitments are used in the FC-WE scheme that everyone then runs, to publish a message only to their 5 folks only if they also had valid commitments (i.e. with them in it, while keeping it anonymous, which may not be possible with groth16). Finally, in the reveal stage, everyone attempts to read every message and can only end up reading the ones that work for them. You can do this with a pairwise Socialist Millionaire or Yao’s Garbled Circuits, but this requires more back and forth stages.
**Deployed Site**: [Oblivious Tinder](https://oblivious-site.onrender.com/login) **Witness Encryption Tinder Site Github Repo Link**: [novus677/witness-encrypt-tinder](https://github.com/novus677/witness-encrypt-tinder)
**Browser-Friendly Witness Encryption Library Link**: [novus677/witness-encryption-functional-commitment](https://github.com/novus677/witness-encryption-functional-commitment/) forked from [vicsn/witness-encryption-functional-commitment](https://github.com/vicsn/witness-encryption-functional-commitment) ### Mixmello: Remix Spotify Playlists **Bounty Prompt**: A program that takes your spotify playlist and converts it to another one of remixes of the same songs, to get some variety. Create remixed versions of your favourite playlists. Free and open source!
**Website Link:** [mixmello.com](https://www.mixmello.com)
**GitHub Repo:** [alexgurr/mixmello](https://github.com/alexgurr/mixmello) ### Colorize Video **Bounty Prompt:** An API endpoint for temporally consistent video colorization
**Completed by**: Syed Mustafa
**Deployed Demo:** [Replicate API Demo](https://replicate.com/cudanexus/debvc)
### Get Off Those Sites **Bounty Prompt:** A good Chrome extension to keep you off Facebook etc. Tracks how long you spend on degenerate sites, then when you go to Facebook etc, it says "On average, you think you'll spend 16 minutes, but you end up spending 31 minutes on this tab. How many minutes do you think you'll spend this time?" And at the end of that # of minutes, it makes the page black and white so you can continue to browse but it'll be slightly uncomfortable.
**Completed by** [GrimSteel](github.com/grimsteel)
**Github Repo:** [get-off-those-sites](https://github.com/grimsteel/get-off-those-sites/)
### Spotify Match **Bounty Prompt**: A website that, when given a certain song or artist on Spotify, it finds friends who have listened to that artist/song (by # of occurrences in their public playlists). Useful to find concert buddies/people with similar music tastes.
**Completed By**: Colin Flueck
**Website Link**: [spotifymatch.com](https://spotifymatch.com) ### Safe Tornado Cash **Bounty Prompt**: Safe tornado cash, where users can use it but hackers/North Korea can't. To be able to use tornado.cash, you have to wait a significant number of blocks between deposits and withdraws. You know the leaves being added to the Merkle tree, and can trace which are linked to stolen deposits. You can create a second blocklist of "banned leaves", which allows you to block withdraws of nullifier leaves, meaning hackers can deposit but not withdraw.
**Github Repo**: [tornado-core-blacklist](https://github.com/hananbeer/tornado-core-blacklist) ### Open-source Keybr Clone with More Statistics **Bounty Prompt**: Make an open source keybr clone with more statistics, like seperating lowercase/capital letters, and showing most missed keys and most missed pairs of keys.
**Completed by**: Aayush Gupta (me)
**Github Repo**: [keybr-with-stats](https://github.com/Divide-By-0/keybr-with-stats/) **Deployed Website**: https://keybr.onrender.com ### Tuneder **Bounty Prompt**: A tinder for songs -- plays the most commented 10 seconds of a song on Apple Music and adds it to a playlist if you like it. Inspired by Soundsieve (https://github.com/wilzh40/SoundSieve) which is unfortunately dead, and fab.fm which has a different song discovery method. Released as an iOS app.
**Completed by**: Aditya Saravana
**Github Repo**: [github.com/adityasaravana/Tuneder](https://github.com/adityasaravana/Tuneder) ### SoundSwipe **Bounty Prompt**: A tinder for songs -- plays the most commented 10 seconds of a song on SoundCloud and adds it to a playlist if you like it. Inspired by Soundsieve (https://github.com/wilzh40/SoundSieve) which is unfortunately dead, and fab.fm which has a different song discovery method. Released as a web app.
**Completed by**: Kevin Grosso ([k0dev](https://github.com/k0dev))
**Github Repo**: https://github.com/k0dev/sc-explorer
**Website Link**: [SoundSwipe](http://soundswipe.org) ### AI Video Colorization APIs **Bounty Prompt**: Make it really easy (replicate.com deployed, with a nice interface and API) to run the latest colorization and OCR AI models, at near-cost.
**Completed by**: [Cudanexus](https://github.com/cudanexus)
**Demo**: [debvc](https://replicate.com/cudanexus/debvc) and [tcvc](https://replicate.com/cudanexus/tcvc) were state-of-the-art, but perform poorly in practice. Facebook Nougat (academic OCR AI where [huggingface demo](https://huggingface.co/facebook/nougat-base) doesn't work) and BiSTNet (which won NTIRE2023's video colorization challenge) are in progress. ### Pitchpin **Bounty Prompt**: An audio recorder where you can tap to add a flag at any time -- you can attach a note if you want, but the purpose is that later you can quickly skip to that time and know something important is there.
**Completed by**: Aditya Saravana
**Github Repo**: [github.com/adityasaravana/Pitchpin](https://github.com/adityasaravana/Pitchpin) **Website Link**: Pitchpin ### Damn Daniel Button **Bounty Prompt**: The bruh button, but for damn daniel
**Completed by**: Daniel Bessonov, Patrick Li
**Press:** [Saratoga Falcon: Top 25 App on App Store Taken Down](https://www.saratogafalcon.org/content/students%E2%80%99-top-25-app-taken-down-after-%E2%80%98damn-daniel%E2%80%99-lawyers-threaten-legal-action) ### Phone Scroll Distance Leaderboard **Bounty Prompt:** An app that tracks the distance you've scrolled on your phone and puts it on a leaderboard
**Completed by**: Bryan Chiang
**Demo Video**: [Demo](https://i.imgur.com/9VCWd7l.mp4) ### Auto-LaTeX Equations **Bounty Prompt:** A way to use LaTeX equations in Google Docs
**Completed by**: Aayush Gupta (me)
**Website:** https://autolatex.com
**Press:** [Nature](https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-019-01796-1) ### Spotify Playlist Cleanify **Bounty Prompt:** A program that takes your spotify playlist and converts it to a clean version with the same songs and removes it if it can't find any. Used to be able to listen to my playlists in the car with my parents
**Completed by**: Arman Rafati
**Website:** https://www.cleanify.app/
**Github Link:** https://github.com/code-arman/Cleanify ### Windows Automatic Unzipper **Bounty Prompt:** When something is downloaded, unzip it to its own folder then delete the original zip file
**Completed by**: Aiden Magrath
**Github Repo:** https://github.com/aidenmagrath/Windows-Auto-Unzipper **Website Link:** https://autounzipper.com/ ### Trippy Videos **Bounty Prompt:** Upsample each frame in a video independently with a GAN, creating an entirely style-transfered universe that moves from frame to frame in a slightly jarring and hypnotic way.
**Completed by**: Milo Cress, David Wu, Alice Chen, Vincent Huang
**Demo Video:** [30 second Video](https://streamable.com/e/dow82b)
**Github Repo:** [Github](https://github.com/zephyrys/stylish-flask-backend)

Contribution & pull requests

If you make any of these, please make them open source!

If you want to be added to the list of people that have completed a project, request a PR adding the project idea, your project's URL, and your repo's URL to CONTRIBUTORS.md and above, and edit the README to mark them done. I can help brainstorm relevant communities, and recommend marketing ideas to help get your first few hundred users.

Why make them open source and ad-free?

I think open source is very, very powerful. I'd also love to add features to apps that I use if I want them, and I'm sure I'm not alone. Your app can be maintained and improved by the community that most cares about it (with minimal effort on your part!). If you're worried about someone else making money off of your work, you can just put a note in the README that anyone is free to share it not for profit, but anyone who monetizes, needs to check in with you first (and hopefully partner with them!). Open source companies with canonical deployments are still often successful, and it makes little difference to the end user -- 99.99 percent of end users are not technical enough to even deploy a Github app. Gitlab, Android, Linux, Firefox, Flutter, React, Python, Rust, Docker, AWS, Box, Darabricks, Kubernetes, etc -- there's a massive list of open source projects that are wildly successful, and many of them have some "canonical deployment" which is monetized. People will pay a lot just for a hosted service of existing open source software. I wasn't always pro-open source. I thought, aren't you giving up your technical moat by open sourcing? But the financial upside to closed source compared to open source is very little, and the developer friendliness of open source is high enough that if there's any shot for the app to get big, that's the best shot. If someone publishes a competing app without your consent, expose them on Twitter (you can partner with them which is win-win, or report them to the app store which in a sense is lose-lose but an option). Companies recruit through open source too, so if you're a student, it's a great way to show off your skills. I promise none of these will be a billion dollar app (or frankly even a thousand dollar app), and is just an early step in a long list of many future great things you will do. I highly recommend you invest in maximum social capital right now, and convert it to technical capital later. If you have a desire for monetizable projects, I'm happy to send over more ideas for those! Open source is also a great way to make sure you structure your repository well, especially secret management. Ads bring in surprisingly low revenue -- I hope that the bounty makes it worth your time; for most of these apps, the amount you expect to make off of ads will probably be less than the bounty amount I pay you upfront. Overall, I strongly advise against closed source and ads -- not just because of me, but for the success of the app, and for you to have the satisfaction of creating software used by the maximum number of people :)


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Crypto ($400 each)