Dixith1196 / THE-HUNT

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Statement Of Purpose

We would like to create a gaming application for NWMSU which works on iPhone SE, Android device, laptop and an iPad. The main motto behind this idea of creating a gaming application is to bring bearcats of diverse departments onto a common platform which helps students to interact, encourages students to unique and special parts of campus, contributes in developing an attitude towards teamwork.


We would like to create an app that can be played on a mobile device. The app would encourage players to complete a 'quest' by encountering a specific list of locations. A player would activate one of the locations in the quest. To score that location, the user must enter the geographic area (as determined by their mobile device). Locations may be explicitly identified (easier) - or described using clues (harder). The quest may require locations to be accessed in a specific order - or in any order as specified by the quest creator.

Hosted Page

Hosted Page


Entity Relationship Diagram


User Entity

TeamPlayer Entity

Quest Entity

QuestLocation mapping

Location Entity

Competition Entity


User Stories


Home Screen:

Leaderboard Screen:

Create-Event Screen:

Create-Team Screen:

Treasure Map Screen:

Profile Tab


Roles Names
Project Manager Ravichander Reddy
DB Administrator Harika Kulkarni
Team Lead Bhaskar Reddy
UI Developer Deekshith Maram
Backend Developer Pruthvi Naskanti
Tester Sai Rohith

JIRA Link to Project


JIRA Sprint-1

JIRA Sprint-2

JIRA Sprint Progress

Application UI

Sign up Login page Home page Leaderboard treasure_map Create Event create_quest profile

Sample Data of Each Entity in Excel

Excel Link

Risks and Assumptions


Risk of Application based security break

Risk of location access

Risk in the Operating System and data retrieval


Acceptance Criteria:

  1. The App should work on all devices like iPhone SE, Android device, laptop, computer, iPad.
  2. The User should signup in order to access the app
  3. The User has to provide all the required details inorder to register.
  4. The User should be able to create teams.(Captain)
  5. The Caption should be able to send invites.
  6. The User should be able to accept or reject the invitation.
  7. The user should be able to create Quests.(Designer)
  8. The designer should be able to provide list of locations for the quest and and provide location number.
  9. The User should be able to launch a competition (hunt master).
  10. The Hunt master should be able to provide start date, time and end data, time for the competition.
  11. The Hunt master may choose the existing quest for the competition.
  12. The app should provide visible and audible feedback for the player when the active location is encountered.
  13. The app should provide visible and audible feedback for the player when the active quest is completed.
  14. The Use should be able to accept or reject the call when the application is running.
  15. The User should be able to install/uninstall the app at any point of time.
  16. The App should work on all devices in various orientations
  17. The App should be secured by loading various SSH keys and by using cryptographic techniques.

Technologies to be used:

Schedule Management:

schedule management

Cost Estimation

hourly Billing Rates CostEstimation

