.. _Bootstrap 3: https://github.com/Dmitri-Sintsov/djk-bootstrap3 .. _Bootstrap 4: https://github.com/Dmitri-Sintsov/djk-bootstrap4 .. _Bootstrap 5: https://github.com/Dmitri-Sintsov/djk-bootstrap5 .. _Chrome: https://www.google.com/chrome/ .. _ChromeDriver: https://sites.google.com/a/chromium.org/chromedriver/ .. _cherry_django.sh: https://github.com/Dmitri-Sintsov/djk-sample/blob/master/cli/cherry_django.sh .. _Firefox ESR: https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/organizations/ .. _fixtures_order: https://github.com/Dmitri-Sintsov/djk-sample/search?l=Python&q=fixtures_order&utf8=%E2%9C%93 .. _geckodriver: https://github.com/mozilla/geckodriver/releases .. _django_deno: https://github.com/Dmitri-Sintsov/django-deno .. _deno rollup: https://deno.land/x/drollup .. _settings.py: https://github.com/Dmitri-Sintsov/djk-sample/blob/master/djk_sample/settings.py .. _system.js: https://github.com/systemjs/systemjs .. _dump_data: https://github.com/Dmitri-Sintsov/djk-sample/search?l=Python&q=dump_data&utf8=%E2%9C%93 .. _has_fixture: https://github.com/Dmitri-Sintsov/djk-sample/search?l=Python&q=has_fixture&utf8=%E2%9C%93 .. _djk_sample/tests.py: https://github.com/Dmitri-Sintsov/djk-sample/blob/master/djk_sample/tests.py .. _terser: https://github.com/terser/terser
Sample Django project for django-jinja-knockout: https://github.com/Dmitri-Sintsov/django-jinja-knockout
.. image:: https://circleci.com/gh/Dmitri-Sintsov/djk-sample.svg?style=shield :target: https://circleci.com/gh/Dmitri-Sintsov/djk-sample .. https://iconarchive.com/show/android-lollipop-icons-by-dtafalonso/Youtube-icon.html .. image:: https://icons.iconarchive.com/icons/dtafalonso/android-lollipop/24/Youtube-icon.png :alt: Watch selenium tests recorded videos. :target: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZTrByxVSXdyW0z3e3qjTsQ
.. image:: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wiki/Dmitri-Sintsov/djk-sample/djk_change_or_create_foreign_key_for_inline_form.png :width: 740px
Recorded video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CJLdtFaXhKo
.. highlight:: shell
Tested in Ubuntu 20.04 LTS::
sudo apt-get install git
python3 -m venv djk-sample
cd djk-sample
source bin/activate
git clone https://github.com/Dmitri-Sintsov/djk-sample.git
cd djk-sample
# Uncomment next line to use v2.2.1 instead of development version:
# git checkout tags/v2.2.1
python3 -m pip install -U -r requirements.txt
To use the current stable `Bootstrap 3`_ version of ``djk_ui``::
python3 -m pip install -U -r requirements/bs3.txt
python3 -m pip install -U wheel/djk_bootstrap3-2.2.1-py2.py3-none-any.whl
To use the current stable `Bootstrap 4`_ version of ``djk_ui``::
python3 -m pip install -U -r requirements/bs4.txt
python3 -m pip install -U wheel/djk_bootstrap4-2.2.1-py2.py3-none-any.whl
To use the development `Bootstrap 3`_ version::
To use the development `Bootstrap 4`_ version::
To use the development `Bootstrap 5`_ version::
mkdir "$VIRTUAL_ENV/djk-sample/logs/"
mkdir "$VIRTUAL_ENV/djk-sample/fixtures/"
python3 manage.py makemigrations club_app event_app
python3 manage.py migrate
apt install gettext
python3 manage.py compilemessages
python3 manage.py runserver
Shell scripts ``cli/3bs.sh`` / ``cli/4bs.sh`` / ``cli/5bs.sh`` allow to switch the Bootstrap version on the fly, using the development
(not always stable) version of ``djk_ui``.
Install Deno (optional)::
curl -fsSL https://deno.land/x/install/install.sh | sh
export DENO_INSTALL=$HOME/.deno
Windows x64 (x86 is similar but needs 32-bit versions of Python package wheels).
/ pip3.exe
are in your PATH
.Then issue the following commands::
python -m venv djk-sample
cd djk-sample
python -m pip install -U pip
git clone https://github.com/Dmitri-Sintsov/djk-sample.git
cd djk-sample
rem Uncomment next line to use v2.2.1 instead of development version:
rem git checkout tags/v2.2.1
python -m pip install -U -r requirements.txt
To use the current stable Bootstrap 3
_ version of djk_ui
python -m pip install -U -r requirements\bs3.txt
To use the current stable Bootstrap 4
_ version of djk_ui
python -m pip install -U -r requirements\bs4.txt
To use the development Bootstrap 3
_ version::
To use the development Bootstrap 4
_ version::
To use the development Bootstrap 5
_ version::
mkdir "%VIRTUAL_ENV%\djk-sample\logs"
mkdir "%VIRTUAL_ENV%\djk-sample\fixtures"
python manage.py makemigrations club_app event_app
python manage.py migrate
python manage.py compilemessages
python manage.py runserver
Shell scripts cli\3bs.cmd
/ cli\4bs.cmd
/ cli\5bs.cmd
allow to switch the Bootstrap version on the fly, using the development
(not always stable) version of djk_ui
Install Deno (optional)
Run PowerShell then invoke::
irm https://deno.land/install.ps1 | iex
set DENO_INSTALL=%userprofile%\.deno
set the environment variable.
Mac OS X
Use brew:
* Install Python3 from https://brew.sh/
* Follow Ubuntu instructions.
Install Deno (optional)::
brew install deno
deno rollup bundle
Since django-jinja-knockout v2, `django_deno`_ could be used to generate / run Javascript bundle.
`django_deno`_ dependence is optional and is required only to run with old browsers (eg. IE11)
or to create minimized production mode bundle.
`deno rollup`_ and `system.js`_ are used internally to create / load the production mode bundle.
* Use ``manage.py runrollup`` command to debug with old browsers (eg. IE11)
* Use ``manage.py collectrollup`` command to create minimized bundle, compatible to old browsers
* Use ``cli/cherry_django.sh`` to test generated bundle locally (emulation of production).
It's also possible to generate es6 minimized bundle to use with modern browsers (no IE11), with the following
``DENO_OUTPUT_MODULE_TYPE`` value in `settings.py`_::
To automatically create the production Javascript bundle::
To run test server after the bundle has been created::
`terser`_ is used to minimize the bundle. To create non-minimized bundle, one may turn off terser in `settings.py`_::
'terser': False,
``DJANGO_DEBUG`` and ``CHERRYPY_STATIC`` environment variables are used by `settings.py`_ to select the debug /
production version of Javascript code, for example in the deno production script `cherry_django.sh`_::
Unit tests
Selenium tests
Inside project virtual environment install selenium 3.4 or newer::
pip3 install -r ./requirements/test.txt
To use Bootstrap 3
_ version::
To use Bootstrap 4
_ version::
To use Bootstrap 5
_ version::
version 2.2.1 release tests were performed with:
Selenium tests (Chrome, interactive)
Preferable method of interactive running Selenium tests is to use recent version of `Chrome`_ with compatible version of
`ChromeDriver`_. `ChromeDriver`_ binary should be extracted to one of the ``PATH`` directories or into
``$VIRTUAL_ENV/bin`` directory.
Install latest versions of `Chrome`_ / `ChromeDriver`_. Then run the following command::
DJK_WEBDRIVER='selenium.webdriver.chrome.webdriver' python3 manage.py test
or, simply (will use default Selenium webdriver)::
python3 manage.py test
Close ``Chrome`` window when the tests are complete. It should print the following message in the console::
Destroying test database for alias 'default'...
Selenium tests (Firefox, interactive)
Not every version of Firefox ESR
runs Selenium tests successfully due to bugs / incompatibilities of geckodriver
so it's not an recommended method to run interactive tests anymore, but one may try.
Selenium 3.0 or newer requires geckodriver
_ to run with Firefox, which should be extracted to one of the PATH
directories or into $VIRTUAL_ENV/bin
Run the tests with the following command::
DJK_WEBDRIVER='selenium.webdriver.firefox.webdriver' python3 manage.py test
Selenium tests (Chrome, remote shell)
When using remote shell, one may install Xvfb::
apt-get instal xvfb
to run tests in console this way::
Xvfb :99 &
export DISPLAY=:99
python3 manage.py test
or this way::
apt-get instal xvfb
export DJK_WEBDRIVER='selenium.webdriver.chrome.webdriver'
xvfb-run python3 manage.py test
See also:
* http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6183276/how-do-i-run-selenium-in-xvfb
* https://gist.github.com/alonisser/11192482
Selenium tests (headless Chrome)
Easiest way to run Selenium tests remotely is to use built-in headless Chrome driver. Headless mode is supported by recent versions of Chrome browser::
DJK_WEBDRIVER='django_jinja_knockout.webdriver.headless_chrome.webdriver' python3 manage.py test
Selenium test (Linux Chromium)
Linux Chromium usually is updated less often, providing more stable version of browser::
DJK_WEBDRIVER='django_jinja_knockout.webdriver.chromium.webdriver' python3 manage.py test
Tox tests
Testing other Python versions with tox.
Note that python 3.5 tests requires tox 2.3.1 or newer version, while Ubuntu 14.04 LTS has older 1.6 version. In such case install newer version of tox in the project virtual environment::
pip3 install -U tox pip wheel setuptools
To run the test::
tox -r -e py36-django-111-bs3
To skip all or part of already executed tests uncomment one of ``# fixtures =`` definitions located before
`fixtures_order`_ list in `djk_sample/tests.py`_.
Newly introduced fixtures saved with `dump_data`_ Selenium command should be added in the proper place of
`fixtures_order`_ list to retain proper loading / checking order of the `has_fixture`_ method.