Dnunes20 / Grupo_4_PARI19

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V. Santos, 11-dez-2019,13:27

Cheguei aqui- Pedro Eu também DIOGO Eu cheguei agora! João Pedro Eu tambem miguel

How to send files to online repo

 git add .
 git commit -m "mensagem de commit"
 git push  


 mkdir build
 cd build
 cmake ..

Steps for the class

In the end of the class, the professors will test the several projects and nominate the most successful development :-)

Instructions and main packages

To develop and build the application, besides the GNU C/C++ compiler, you need to have installed some packages:

cmake libgtk-3-dev glade

and some documentation tools are highly advised:

libgtk-3-doc gtk-3-examples libcairo2-doc devhelp Doxygen

So, perform the following:

   sudo apt install cmake libgtk-3-dev libgtk-3-doc gtk-3-examples glade libcairo2-doc devhelp doxygen doxygen-gui

To test whether GTK was properly installed and also get acquainted with GTK possibilities, you can use the following command to perform some testings and verifications.



To generate the prototypes file from the proper cmake target, the following is needed:

  sudo apt install cproto exuberant-ctags indent


There are other packages that can be useful for some scripts to work properly, but they are not necessary for this project. Follow some examples.

  sudo apt install xutils-dev graphviz imagemagick


If you want to edit documents in asciidoc format, the following are needed/recomended:

  sudo apt install asciidoc dblatex fop source-highlight


If you also need to use opencv, install it and its documentation:

  sudo apt install libopencv-dev opencv-doc

Although the documentation can be found online. After version 3, openCV is focused on C++ and Python. So, its documentation is oriented in those directions:


However, up to that version, the documentation also incuded C language, keeping the compatibility with the existing programs in C. So, if you use C language for openCV, report to the last documentation version available for C, such as version 2.4.X:
