DoESLiverpool / ppewebsite

Landing page for sign posting the protective equipment project.
MIT License
1 stars 0 forks source link

DoES Visors Website

What’s included

The npm dependencies included in package.json are:

Apart from package.json, the following files are included:

Getting started...

npm install
npm start

As long as npm start is running, it will watch your changes. You can edit _sass/main.scss and _javascript/main.js at will. Changes are immediately compiled to their destinations, where index.html will pick them up upon reload in your browser.

Some controlling output is written to the npm start console in that process:

_javascript/main.js -> lib/main.js

=> changed: $HOME/projects/start-with-bulma/_sass/main.scss
Rendering Complete, saving .css file...
Wrote CSS to $HOME/projects/start-with-bulma/css/main.css

Use npm run to show all available commands:

Lifecycle scripts included in bulma-start:
    npm-run-all --parallel css-watch js-watch

available via `npm run-script`:
    node-sass _sass/main.scss css/main.css
    npm run css-build && npm run css-postcss
    postcss --use autoprefixer --output css/main.css css/main.css
    npm run css-build -- --watch
    npm run css-deploy && npm run js-build
    babel _javascript --out-dir lib
    npm run js-build -- --watch

If you want to learn more, follow these links: Bulma homepage and Documentation.