DoSomething / voting-app

☑ Voting app for campaigns.
MIT License
6 stars 4 forks source link

Voting App Wercker StyleCI

Voting app for campaigns, which launched with Celebs Gone Good in December 2014.



Getting Started

  1. Clone this repository & add to your local DS Homestead environment.
  2. Copy .env.example and create your own .env
  3. From within your VM, run composer install && npm install to set up dependencies.
  4. Run gulp to compile front-end assets and watch for changes!
  5. Create a voting database in your VM.
  6. Run php artisan migrate && php artisan db:seed to get the database set up.
  7. You may run unit tests locally using PHPUnit: $ vendor/bin/phpunit

We follow Laravel's code style and automatically lint all pull requests with StyleCI. Be sure to configure EditorConfig to ensure you have proper indentation settings.

Consider writing a test case when adding or changing a feature. Most steps you would take when manually testing your code can be automated, which makes it easier for yourself & others to review your code and ensures we don't accidentally break something later on!


©2017 Voting App is free software, and may be redistributed under the terms specified in the LICENSE file. The name and logo for are trademarks of Do Something, Inc and may not be used without permission.

The Laravel framework is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.