DoclerLabs / api-client-generator

API client generator is a console application capable of generating an API client based on OpenAPI(Swagger) specification.
MIT License
31 stars 19 forks source link

OpenAPI SDK generator - API client generator

API client generator is a console application capable of auto-generating a PSR18/PSR7 compliant API client based on OpenAPI v3 specification according to PHP best practices and your code style standards.

Build Status Coverage Status PHPStan Level


Why using it?



Check out example directory to see the code generated by api-client-generator.

Try it out:

cd example && \
composer install && \
php test-example.php


With Docker

$ docker run -it \
-v {path-to-specification}/openapi.yaml:/openapi.yaml:ro \
-v {path-to-client}/some-api-client:/client \
-e NAMESPACE=Group\\SomeApiClient \
-e OPENAPI=/openapi.yaml \
-e OUTPUT_DIR=/client \
-e PACKAGE=group/some-api-client \

Without Docker

Preconditions: PHP 7.4

Clone the repository and run:

OPENAPI={path-to-specification}/openapi.yaml NAMESPACE=Group\SomeApiClient PACKAGE=group/some-api-client OUTPUT_DIR={path-to-client}/generated ./bin/api-client-generator generate


The following environment variables are available:

Variable Required Default Enum Example Description
NAMESPACE yes Group\SomeApiClient
PACKAGE yes group/some-api-client
OPENAPI yes /api/openapi.yaml
OUTPUT_DIR yes /client
CODE_STYLE no {path-to-repository}/.php-cs-fixer.php.dist /client/myCodeStyle.php
SOURCE_DIR no src src
CLIENT_PHP_VERSION no 7.4 7.0, 7.1, 7.2, 7.3, 7.4, 8.0, 8.1, 8.2, 8.3 7.4
COMPOSER_JSON_TEMPLATE_DIR no {path-to-repository}/template/composer.json.twig /path/composer.json.twig
README_MD_TEMPLATE_DIR no {path-to-repository}/template/ /path/
HTTP_MESSAGE no guzzle guzzle, nyholm nyholm
CONTAINER no pimple pimple pimple
INCLUDE_TAGS no tag1,tag2,tag3 tag whitelist to select generated operations
EXCLUDE_TAGS no tag1,tag2,tag3 tag blacklist to select generated operations

Running tests

$ composer install
$ make test

(check make for all available routines).