A community-endorsed framework for representing research object-level (e.g. journal article, preprint, or dataset) review/editorial processes in a machine-readable, discoverable, and extensible format.
More info: https://docmaps.knowledgefutures.org
The easiest way to generate docmaps, parse and work with them, is in Typescript using the NPM packages
in this repository. The essentiall package is @docmaps/sdk
, which supports parsing and validating.
To see the usage of this library, you can consult the package example
. This contains
a simple script that shows how to use a docmap "codec" to parse an arbitrary JS/JSON object, resulting in
a union type that is Either a Docmap or an Error. In general, this library is best used in a functional rather
than OOP style. Although idiomatic functional programming is optional, you are obliged to use this codec pattern
and handle the Error case explicitly, rather than a Constructor pattern; and doing so will quickly become more
ergonomic as you get comfortable with fp-ts
, which is also used in the example.
Docmaps are best represented as linked data, which is to say RDF. Most networked usage of docmaps is formatted as
JSON-LD, but you can see a reference implementation of a triplestore-based server implementation that uses
SPARQL and JSON-LD Framing to extract structured docmaps from a graph backend in the http-server
This repo contains the Typescript-based libraries for use with Node.js.
It also contains JSONLD contexts and RDF-native framing tools and SHACL shapes for Docmaps.
This repository is an NPM Module Monorepo. This top-level directory includes no distributed packages, but some reference material as well as automation scripts for the cross-package behavior, such as release automation.
Releases and tags: Github Actions uses multi-semantic-release to automatically generate semvers based on commit history for each package in the repository. Multiple tags are generated for a single commit if it updates multiple packages.
Cross-dependencies and typescript: Several packages depend on @docmaps/sdk
, and will refer to
the dist
directory within that package for their source code when making local changes.
For that reason, you may need to run pnpm run build:deps
in a package, or pnpm run -r build
to build all packages, if you are making local changes to uptream dependencies within this
monorepo so that your downstream code changes will pull those in.
Dependencies: The workspace root builds a Docker image for the http-server. In addition to the npm package dependencies, to do local development you should have the following tools installed:
pnpm # @^8.7
node # @^18
docker # with docker-compose available
see CONTRIBUTING.md for more info about local development.
Documentation: https://w3id.org/docmaps
Latest @context: https://w3id.org/docmaps/context.jsonld
has been moved to@docmaps/sdk
. (the source code still lives here.) Update your installs and imports accordingly.
This package contains a library of JSON-parsing and string-parsing codecs based on
, and associated Typescript types. These types can be used without io-ts
, but
that library natively integrates with fp-ts
and enables easy encoding & decoding
from raw data types at runtime by creating Prototypical classes in runtime namespace
along with the types/interfaces in type namespace.
This package is a Node server that serves docmaps. It is the Typescript reference implementation of Docmaps Project RFC#001 API Server Interoperability Protocol.
This package contains a CLI tool based on commander.js
for generating docmaps. Currently,
it supports generating a docmap for a given DOI if that DOI is indexed on Crossref, and
will traverse the Crossref API to find related preprints and reviews for that DOI. It is
still in a pre-release state while we gather feedback.
This Single-page App (SPA) is a simple demonstration of the above tools in action. It is accessible live on Github Pages where you can plug in a DOI and get a best-effort view of a Docmap as inferred from Crossref's API.
This package contains a web component that can be embedded in any webpage to display a docmap.
As stated in CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md:
This project is governed by the Knowledge Futures, Inc Organizational Code of Conduct.