DogLooksGood / mcss

Macro your CSS
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clojurescript css macro style


Macro your CSS in ClojureScript.






Basic Setup

All usefull stuff can be found in namespace mcss.core.

Put this in both init function and after-load function(in development).


defa - Define a simple atomic style

Use keyword for property, string or number for simple value.

(defa c-red
  {:color "red"})

Use [] for comma-separated list values.

(defa ft-lg
  {:font-size "1.8rem"
   :font-family ["Consolas" "Courier New" "Menlo"]})

Use [[]](vector of vector) for whitespace-separated list value.

(defa bd
  {:border [["thin" "solid" "#666"]]})

Use {} for function call.

(defa foo
  {:color     {:rgb [255 0 0]}
   :transform {:rotate "10deg"}})

defstyled - Define a styled component

Simplest version:

(defstyled my-btn :button
  {:background-color "#99ff99"})

Use it like this:

[my-btn {:on-click #(js/alert "!")}]

Combine atomic styles in keyword tag:

(defstyled my-btn :button
  [c-red ft-lg bd]
  {:background-color "#99ff99"})

Dynamic style supported by use inline function as property.

(defstyled my-btn :button
  {:background-color #(get % :bg-clr)})

This will be expanded to something like:


(defn my-btn [props & children]
  (let [css (:css props)
        bg-clr (#(get % :bg-color) css)]
    (into [:button (merge (dissoc props :css) {:style {"--bg-clr" bg-clr}})]

Use like this:

[my-btn {:on-click #(js/alert "!")
         :css {:bg-color "blue"}}]

Use a keyword ends with ? to define style valid in some case.

(defstyled my-div :div
  {:background-color "white"
   :active? {:background-color "black"}})

Use keyword for property access. (Only inline function or keyword)

(defstyled my-btn :button
  {:background-color :bg-clr
   :color            :clr})

defcustom - Define a custom variable

A custom variable is a variable locate in :root selector.

(defcustom some-color "#99ff99")

Use it like this:

(defstyled my-div :div
  {:color (some-color)})

defkeyframes - Define a keyframe

(defkeyframes my-kf
  [:from {:color "blue"}]
  [:to {:color "red"}])

Use it like this:

(defstyled my-div :div
  {:animation [[my-kf "2s" "infinite" "alternate"]]})

Combinators support.

Use strings for sub selectors.

(defstyled my-div :div
  ^{:combinators {"> div" {:color "red"}
                  "~ div" {:color "blue"}}}

Pseudo support.

(defstyled my-div :div
  ^{:pseudo {:before {:content "'Before Here!'"
                      :color   :clr}}}
  ;;                           ^ dynamic style is possible here
  {:background-color "blue"
   :width            "3rem"
   :height           "3rem"})

Provide your own mcss/defaults.clj to overwrite default vendors settings.

Media query support.

(defstyled my-div :div
  ^{:media {:width {:color "blue"}
            :narrow {:color "red"}}}
  ;;                ^ Note: dynamic style here is not supported!
  {:color "black"})

Provide your own mcss/defaults.clj to overwrite default media query defines.


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