At its heart the idea of Rate Limiting is basically putting an upper limit on the number of calls a particular caller (user/client/organization) can make on our api endpoints within a certain time interval. So in essence it is about setting the allowed call rates on our api endpoints whether at a indivdual or more general level thereby trying to ensure a fair distribution of our system resources and preventing any one client or user from abusing the system.
You can read more about the concepts here in
The libraries in this repo provide distributed implementations of rate limiting using Redis for the following algorithms:
Also they allow multiple call rates to be specified for four different time units of seconds, minutes, hours and days allowing a single endpoint to be limited at multiple levels like allowing 60 calls per min but no more than 100 calls per hour. Also you can also define your own custom period if you need more flexibility like allowing 60 calls every 10 seconds.
Both WebApi and AspnetCore versions are included.
First we need to reference the following packages from Nuget: (NOTE: All the packages are in alpha version now so please make sure to check the "Include prerelease" checkbox in the Nuget Package Manager while searching in Nuget)
The first thing we need to understand is the IRateLimitingPolicyProvider which has only one method with signature
Task<RateLimitPolicy> GetPolicyAsync(RateLimitingRequest rateLimitingRequest)
As seen it gets passed in a RateLimitingRequest instance as parameter which decribes the context of the current request. The RateLimitingRequest class exposes the following properties:
The idea is that for every request the framework will ask the implementation of IRateLimitingPolicyProvider for the RateLimitPolicy to apply to that request and the implementation can supply a suitable policy based on the request context information provided to it. It can also consult any other sources to make the decision as it sees fit.
The RateLimitPolicy provided contains:
For an example scenario let us consider a request coming for the path api/values/1 which falls under the routeTemplate api/values/{id} and for method GET. The library will examine the request and ask the IRateLimitingPolicyProvider: "I have a request for endpoint api/values/1 falling under the route template api/values/{id} for method GET. What policy should I apply?". Now it is completely up to the IRateLimitingPolicyProvider to answer with whatever policy it sees fit. It can fetch a dynamic policy from a database based on the client_id from the ClaimsPrincipal or it can apply a general or specific statically configured one. Let us say the client_id of the request is client_0. It can reply saying: "Ok allow 10 calls per minute for routeTemplate api/values/{id} and method Get for client client_0". Or it can reply: "Ok file this request under the more generic policy of 100 call per minute for all routes () and for all methods () for client_0" for a more general level limiting meaning each client (represented by the requestKey) can call any endpoint of the app for a total of 100 times in 1 minute. It will become more clear once we start playing with the sampla app. Note that asterisk * represents for all.
Let us get started by opening up the Startup.cs file from the Domain.RateLimiting.Samples.AspNetCore project
To do that go to the region titled "SampleRateLimitingClientPolicyProvider" and uncomment the code.
#region SampleRateLimitingClientPolicyProvider
public class SampleRateLimitingClientPolicyProvider : IRateLimitingPolicyProvider
private readonly string _requestKey;
public SampleRateLimitingClientPolicyProvider()
_requestKey = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
public Task<RateLimitPolicy> GetPolicyAsync(RateLimitingRequest rateLimitingRequest)
return Task.FromResult(new RateLimitPolicy(_requestKey));
This provides a simple implementation which just returns a RateLimitPolicy with a Guid as the requestKey but does not provide any AllowedCallRates. Now there is also the DefaultRateLimitingPolicyProvider implementation provided in the core package which you can use in your code to return the client_id from the ClaimsPrincipal for authenticated requests. You could for instance extract the current clientid or userid from the RateLimitingRequest provided and consult a database configured per clientid and return a more sepcific policy with allowed call rates set. Just know for now that if you provide an implementation which returns a null policy, no rate limting will be applied. If it returns a policy with no AllowedCallRates set, then we can override the AllowedCallRates with statically defined rules. If it returns a policy with AllowedCallRates set then those rates will be used to limit the request and take precedence over anything else. More on this later.
For our discussin our sample provider which we just uncommented, provides a Policy with the guid requestKey set and leaves the call rates to be overriden later by code, configuration or attribute in the application.
For this go to the region with name "Setting policies explicitly using code" as this step and uncomment the code in that region.
#region Setting policies explicitly using code
var rateLimitingPolicyParametersProvider = new SampleRateLimitingClientPolicyProvider();
var globalRateLimitingClientPolicyManager =
new RateLimitingPolicyManager(rateLimitingPolicyParametersProvider)
.AddPoliciesForAllEndpoints(new List<AllowedCallRate>()
new AllowedCallRate(100, RateLimitUnit.PerMinute)
}, allowAttributeOverride: true, name: "StaticPolicy_2")
.AddEndpointPolicy("/api/globallylimited/{id}", "GET", new List<AllowedCallRate>()
new AllowedCallRate(5, RateLimitUnit.PerMinute),
new AllowedCallRate(8, RateLimitUnit.PerHour)
}, true, "StaticPolicy_0")
.AddEndpointPolicy("/api/globallylimited/{id}/sub/{subid}", RateLimitPolicy.AllHttpMethods,
new List<AllowedCallRate>()
new AllowedCallRate(2, RateLimitUnit.PerMinute)
}, true, "StaticPolicy_1");
Here we create a RateLimitingPolicyManager which is default policy manager implementation useful for defining rate limiting policies through code or configuration. Please note that this manager also implements the IRateLimitingPolicyProvider interface and takes in another IRateLimitingPolicyProvider in its constructor essentially providing extra functionalities on top of the custom provider IRateLimitingPolicyProvider (implemented by you). In this case it is setting up global policies for its endpoints on top of the ones provided by the client provided one. Let us the discuss the details of how it returns a RateLimitingPolicy.
If the routeTemplate or path is in its white list then it immediately returns null meaning no limit is required for the current call.
If not white listed, it asks the IRateLimitingPolicyProvider passed into it during construction for a RateLimitPolicy.
If the IRateLimitingPolicyProvider returns a null or if the requestKey contained in the policy returned is whitelisted then it returns null meaning no limit is required for the current call.
If provider returns a policy with one or more call rates, then it immediatelly returns that policy to the caller.
If not any of the above, it tries to find a globally defined policy for the specified requestKey, specified method and specified route for current call and it returns that if found.
If not any of the above, it tries to find a globally defined policy for the specified requestKey, all methods (*) and specified route for current call and it returns that if found.
If not any of the above, it tries to find a globally defined policy for the specified requestKey, specified method and all routes (*) for current call and it returns that if found.
If not any of the above, it tries to find a globally defined policy for the specified requestKey, all methods () and all routes () for current call and returns that if found.
If not any of the above, it tries to find a globally defined policy for all request keys (*), specified method and specified route for current call and returns that if found.
If not any of the above, it tries to find a globally defined policy for all request keys (), all methods () and specified route for current call, and returns that if found.
If not any of the above, it tries to find a globally defined policy for all request keys (), specified method and all routes () for current call, and returns that if found.
If not any of the above, it tries to find a globally defined policy for all request keys (), all methods () and all paths (*) for current call and returns that if found.
Otherwise It returns null meaning no rate limiting needs to be applied.
Please note that in the above precedence logic flow a particular logic point is checked if none of the above points succedded. Also note that if the RateLimitingPolicyManager ends up finding a policy, it will bake that requestKey in to that policy before returning it meaning that even generally defined policies for any request key (*) will be updated by substituting the provided requestKey (provided by the custom IRateLimitingPolicyProvider that is received in its contructor) in place of the *. Policies will be be applied in the context of a provided request key like a clientid or userid or ip or whatever you choose to provide.
Now let us analyse the code a bit more.
The first thing it is doing is adding the /api/unlimited path prefix in the white listed paths list.
Now there is a controller called unlimited and this action wil allow unlimited calls to any method in this controller. The white listing functionality works as a prefix so any routeTemplate or path that starts with the white listed path with allow unlimited calls.
The next thing it is doing is adding a general policy of 100 calls per minute for all its endpoints.
.AddPoliciesForAllEndpoints(new List<AllowedCallRate>()
new AllowedCallRate(100, RateLimitUnit.PerMinute)
}, allowAttributeOverride: true, name: "StaticPolicy_2")
After that it limits the /api/globallylimited/{id} route for a GET call with two allowed call rates. One is 5 calls per minute and the other one is 8 call per hour limit.
.AddEndpointPolicy("/api/globallylimited/{id}", "GET", new List<AllowedCallRate>()
new AllowedCallRate(5, RateLimitUnit.PerMinute),
new AllowedCallRate(8, RateLimitUnit.PerHour)
}, true, "StaticPolicy_0")
Please note it is limiting by the route meaning calls to api/globallylimited/1 and api/globallylimited/2 or any other id at the end will be counted as one group defined by the template /api/globallylimited/{id} and this is the right thing to do. We certainly do not want to allow 5 calls per minute for each different id specified but rather to allow 5 calls per minute to the endpoint api/globallylimited/{id} as a whole. This is very important. This policy will affect the globallylimited controller methods and not others. Please also note that each policy is treated separately. So this policy will operate outside the boundary of the general policy of 100 calls per minute for all endpoints. So after the application of this specific policy, the general policy of 100 calls per minute applied earlier more becomes like 100 calls per minute for other endpoints together except for api/globallylimited/{id} which has its own independent tracking.
The last thing it does is mention a separate policy for the endpoint api/globallylimited/{id}/sub/{subid}.
.AddEndpointPolicy("/api/globallylimited/{id}/sub/{subid}", RateLimitPolicy.AllHttpMethods,
new List<AllowedCallRate>()
new AllowedCallRate(2, RateLimitUnit.PerMinute)
}, true, "StaticPolicy_1")
Please note that we do NOT need to use this out of the box provided manager at all. The client provided policy provider could be only provider your application needs. This manager class just adds some extra functionalities to define some extra policies in code on top of the ones provided by the client provided one.
Now that our policy provider is ready, we now need to implement a limiter of type IRateLimitingCacheProvider which will track the calls and report wheter they are within the limits of the specified policies and allowed call rates. Here we will use the Sliding window limiter which keeps very accurate counts within a time window and does not allow bursts meaning it will not allow more calls than the specified one at any time. The limiter takes the following parameters:
Uncomment the line in that region and this will add the global filter to intercept any framework calls and pass it along to the policy provider, get the policy returned and have the policy verfied by the rate limiter (IRateLimitingCacheProvider). The filter takes in the RateLimiter class which iun turns is dependend on IRateLimitingCacheProvider and IRateLimitingPolicyProvider.
Now we will run some tests against our sample app that we had just finished setting up and verify that it is working as expected by using the SuperBenchmarking tool (sb.exe from It will not only show successfull (200) and throttled (429) but also show the performance of the calls.
Let us run the sample project and do some verifications.
First open up the command prompt and go the folder containing the sb.exe file
A little bit about sb.exe ( first. The arguments we will be mostly using are -u, -n, -c and -h where -u represents the url to hit, -n represents the total number of calls to make to that endpoint, -c represents the concurrent number of calls to be made at a time and -h will show the response headers.
So without further adeo let us get on with our exploration:
Type sb -u http://localhost:50091/api/unlimited -n 1000 -c 10
Type sb -u http://localhost:50091/api/unlimited -n 1000 -c 10 So essentially making 1000 calls to the GET method of the api/unlimited endpoint The result screen shot is given here capture_unlimited
and wala all 1000 calls successfully executed with a 200 status
and 8 calls per hour. Type sb -u http://localhost:50091/api/globallylimited/1 -n 1000 -c 10
and as excepted 5 calls went through with 200 status while the 995 others got throttled with 429
Type sb -u http://localhost:50091/api/globallylimited/2 -n 1000 -c 10 within the same minute
and as excepted all 1000 calls got throttled with 429 as both these url fall under the same endpoint api/globallylimited/{id}
Now wait for 1 minute to recover the limits and try the same two steps as above. Here is the screentshot for that:
Here we see only 3 calls succeeded instead of 5 since this policy (named StaticPolicy_0) also enforces a 8 calls per hr limit which was exhausted after the first 3 calls were made (5 + 3 = 8)
Now that you have exhausted all 8 successful calls for the hour (as enforced by 8 call per hour limit in the policy in addition to the 5 calls per minute) if you keep repeating the same steps for a 3rd or 4th time even after wating some minutes but within the same hr, all the requests will get throttled and get a 429 status. To get back to the using it we will have to wait for one hour now.
Here is a screenshot taken after like 3 minutes or so showing still all request throttled as expected.
One thing that should be discussed here are the headers returned while for successfull requests For every succssfull request that is not rate limited it will return the headers
X-RateLimit-Limit: shows the limit under which the last call fell under
For instance restart the redis service to reach a clean state (no calls made so far) and type sb -u http://localhost:50091/api/globallylimited/1 -n 1 -h
we get the following
It shows X-RateLimit-Remaining of 4 and X-RateLimit-Limit of 5 calls PerMinute as expected If we do it 4 more times to finish the limit we will see the X-RateLimit-Remaining going down to 0 Now wait for a minute to let it reset and then do the same five times and again type sb -u http://localhost:50091/api/globallylimited/1 -n 1 -h
Now it shows X-RateLimit-Reamining of 2 and X-RateLimit-Limit of 8 calls PerHour since we will be albe to make 3 more requests before getting throttled by the 8 calls per PerHour limit for the next hr. Here is the actual screentshot of the test:
Now let us talk about the headers sent when request are throttled. Again flush the redis db using the Redis Desktop Manager to reach a clean state (no calls made so far) and type sb -u http://localhost:50091/api/globallylimited/1 -n 5 to exhaust the first limit
Now type sb -u http://localhost:50091/api/globallylimited/1 -n 1 -h to show the headers
Here is the output:
Notice the headers
X-RateLimit-VCallRate: shows the call rate that was violated within the policy (usefull for multiple call rates in a single policy)
It tells to retry after 50 seconds and the call was throttled due to violation of StaticPolicy_0 policy for the 5 calls PerMinute limit.
WHooo...that was a lot of things to cover :-)
For this one no explicit policy has been mentioned so it wiil fall under the general policy with 100 calls per minute that has been set up
And as expected 100 calls went through and 900 got throttled. Any endpoint has hasn't been explicitly set up with fall under this generic rule.
In the sample project there is an AttributeLimitedController which has a attribute limit set on the controller level of 20 calls PerMinute. Now you can ask wouldn't it conflict with the more general route of 100 calls PerMinute which we have already set globally. Notice that when it sets that policy it set the allowAttributeOverride parameter to true which is by default false essentially saying that attributes can override that policy if they want. Let us give it a go to see it in action. Type sb -u http://localhost:50091/api/attributelimited -n 1000 -c 10
and here is the output
and as expected 20 calls went through and the rest throttled.
Let us work through another method api/attributelimited/{id} which has its own attribute set to allow 15 calls PerMinite and 25 calls PerAHour. The multiple call rates work in the same way for attributes.
Type sb -u http://localhost:50091/api/attributelimited/1 -n 1000 -c 10 and following is the output produced as expected:
Now within the same minute type sb -u http://localhost:50091/api/attributelimited/1 -n 1 -h and here is the result
Notice that in the X-RateLimit-VPolicyName, it says the policy on the attribute on the endpoint api/attributelimited/{id} was violated as expected.
For this if we open the appsettings.json file we will find the following:
"RateLimitingOptions": {
"RateLimitingEnabled": true,
"RateLimitPolicyStrings": [
"RateLimitPolicyOptions": [
"RouteTemplate": "api/globallylimited",
"HttpMethod": "POST",
"AllowedCallRates": {
"PerMinute": 3
"Name": "GlobalPostLimit",
"AllowAttributeOverride": true
"RateLimitingWhiteListedPaths": [
"RateLimitingWhiteListedRequestKeys": [
Let us look at end property in detail:
RateLimitingEnabled: boolean to enable or disable rate limiting. For instance we might want to set it to false for local development but update it to true before pushing to staging or production
RateLimitPolicyStrings: Array of strings containing string representations of policies to set. Each policy string comprises of
6 parts delimited by the colon symbol in the form
For example: "*:GET:api/globallylimited/{id}:5_PerMinute&8_PerHour:true:StaticPolicy_0"
Please note that all 6 parts need to be mentioned to it to be considered a valid policyString otherwise the RateLimitingOptions class will throw ArgumentException while parsing it. Use the * symbol to represent for all. All the parts are self explanatory except for the AllowedCallRates which itself is a & delimited string of call rates of the form Amount_PerDuration where Amount is an interger and PerDuration is either PerSecond, PerMinute, PerHour or PerDay. For instance the string 10_PerMinute&100_PerHour is a valid AllowedCallRates section. It can be sometimes helful to just be able to provide string representations of Policies and have then easily susbtituted to other string values during deployment by the CI/CD pipeline.
Policies can also be applied using the more structured RateLimitPolicyOptions property which is an array of RateLimitPolicyOptions with the properties which are self explanatory and similar to the RateLimitPolicy.
You can chose to use either format to specify the polices and can even combine the two. At the end of the day the RateLimitingOptions
class will parse both these properties and expose them together via its own property RateLimitPolicies which is a IEnumerable
To see all the above discussed point in action please go to the region "Setting Policies Using Configuration Options" and uncomment the code there.
#region Setting Policies Using Configuration Options
// var rateLimitingOptions = new RateLimitingOptions();
// Configuration.GetSection(nameof(RateLimitingOptions)).Bind(rateLimitingOptions);
// var globalRateLimitingClientPolicyManager = new RateLimitingPolicyManager(
// new SampleRateLimitingClientPolicyProvider())
// .AddPoliciesForAllEndpoints(new List<AllowedCallRate>() {new AllowedCallRate(180, RateLimitUnit.PerMinute)},name:"ClientPolicy")
// .AddPathsToWhiteList(rateLimitingOptions.RateLimitingWhiteListedPaths)
// .AddRequestKeysToWhiteList(rateLimitingOptions.RateLimitingWhiteListedRequestKeys);
Now comment all the code in the region "Setting policies explicitly using code". If we go through the same verifications with sb.exe as earlier, we should see the same results.
Let us say we want to setup the rate limiting on two levels. Considering a real world scenario that might come up is the need to limit endpoints for all users of an organization on an individual user level and further limt the request on a more general organization level. For instance we might want to set up policies limiting each user of the organization (based on userId) to 100 calls Perminute to the endpoint api/values/{id} and further limiting the same endpoint to 1000 calls PerMinute overall for all users combined of the same organization using organizationId as the request key thus ensuring a fair share of calls on a individual level and a total upper limit on the organization level.
The above requirement can also be achieved by injecting multiple global RateLimitingActionFilter instances each one configured with a different IRateLimitingPolicyProvider instance working with a different request key: one using userId for the requestKey and other using organizationid as the requestKey.
Let us see it in action and verify our expectations:
First go to the region labelled "Multi Level rate limiting on user and organization - Separate Policy Providers" and observe that two different policy providers are set one on the user level and the other on the organization level. Let us examine the SampleRateLimitingUserPolicyProvider first.
This sample user policy provider is set to return policies for 3 different users with an allowed call rate of 100 calls PerHour per user. For the first 200 calls it will return a policy of 100 calls PerHour for test_user_01. For the next 200 calls it will simulate for test_user_02 and for the next 200 calls it will behave as if test_user_03 is making the calls.
Next up is the SampleRateLimitingOrganizationPolicyProvider which set a policy of 200 calls PerHour per organization (for all users of that organization combined)
Let us describe what will happen:
In order to verify the expected results please go the the region "Multi level rate limiting - Multiple action filters based on separate Policy Providers providing separate policies". Uncomment the two lines adding two separate RateLimitingActionFilter instances and comment the line in the region "Adding the RateLimitingActionFilter" just above it.