Go from 0 to 1st Podcast with our ready to shoot, Hospitality Centric, Managed Podcast studio. Book a slot for an instant podcast shoot at copod.space
This project is the landing page cum dashboard web app for copod studio that is being built with open source technologies and is provided as a bounty on our [Dominate Twitter Club](), also have a read on the Contribution Guide section for rules regarding contribution to the project.
for any query other non-tech queries feel free to contact us on our Discord channel.
To contribute to the project first fork it from Github and then create a new branch with any name you prefer and start building.
Make sure you
the project and not just simplyclone
it, forking the project will make a seperate copy on your github handle so that you can manage your own changes and only push the required ones to the main repo here.
we also adhere to the conventional commits standard for commiting messages so make sure you write your commit messages in that manner
the projectDeploy
> using github
> Choose github repoNEXT_PUBLIC_SUPABASE_URL
Create a supabase project with
postgres db
if not already, then find itsURL
andANON Key
on supabase.comDeployment URL is used fill the meta data json