Purchasing Gems
Map out database to incorporate future and planned features.(2 hours)
Create the anonymous sign in authentication using Firebase.(1 hour)
Enable account verification utilizing firebase email authentication.(1 hour)
Build the main feature of thoughts. This will be just the text version of thoughts.(4 hours)
Build out the tab bar to create a seamless navigation.(2 hours)
Build out the router.(1 hour)
Mock data(1 hour)
Fill database with mock data(2 hours)
Build “Me” screen which will be app phone number and some settings.(1 hours)
Build the Everyone tab to use geoFire to retrieve all thoughts within x-amount of miles.(4 hours)
Build out the dynamic thought building card stack with swipe animation and button animation.(4 hours)
Build out the cards style.(45 min)
Build out the private chat preview page mock data and mock link.(1 hour to build the page 2 hours to build dynamic loading data structure)
Incorporate state to access properties like location.(throughout the app 3 hours.)
Count down timer in header of feed screen that includes a drop down filter button for filtering the card stack of thoguhts.
Share the card button on the feed screen, will generate a link to send and share that specific thought to anyone. Once a user clicks on the link the user will be prompted to download and then reply to that specific thought.
Next Button swipes the card
Report functionality will remove the reported card No Questions Asked (Will have to limit this to stop abuse of report).
New button on the top right of the feed page will allow user to post a new thought! (Only if email authenticated.)
Limit amount of swipes each user has per 30min
Copy fanmail link on the inbox screen will generate a private link for users to share. User will click on link then be prompted to download and write a message.
Favorite button will show favortisim for that certain message allowing it to be on the top of the inbox messages.
Extend button will extend that specfic chat for the two users by 24hrs.
Top right of inbox screen in the header will be a button named "select" which will allow you to bulk delete messages in the inbox.
A user can unmatch another user in the inbox at any time.
Refund use case - Sue extended chat by 1 day . One day extension is worth 2 gems. System credits Sue 2 gems
Refund use case - Sue extended chat by 3 days. John and Sue talk day 1 and 2. John blocks Sue on day 3. 3 day extension is worth 6 gems System credits Sue for the day John blocked her. System credits Sue 2 gems.
Free user Swipe limit 30 swipes 30 minutes
Paid user Swipe limit 90 swipes 30 minutes
Read messages Deleted every night at 12 PM EST
Unread messages Deleted every 72 hours at 12 PM EST
The ability to gift users gems.