DongThin / my-love-e2e-testing

e2e testing with cypress
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Welcome to the "my-love-e2e-testing" project!

This project is designed to provide comprehensive training in various aspects crucial for myself to become a automation tester.


The primary objectives of the "my-love-e2e-testing" project are:

  1. JavaScript Fundamentals: Gain proficiency in JavaScript programming language, essential for writing automation scripts and understanding modern web development.

  2. Git & GitHub Training: Learn how to effectively use Git version control system and GitHub for collaborative software development, version tracking, and project management.

  3. Testing Libraries: Explore and master testing libraries like Mocha, NYC, and Chai to write organized, efficient, and comprehensive test suites.

  4. Playwright: Mastering the art of automating web testing across various browsers like Chromium, Firefox, and WebKit, ensuring the robustness, reliability, and performance of your web applications.

Training Content
