This is a project for garbage dump detection with BCA-Net, which can be used to perform global garbage dump detection with our upcoming multi-category garbage dump dataset.
Create a new project folder.
mkdir /home/$[YOUR_USERNAME]/garbage_dump
cd /home/$[YOUR_USERNAME]/garbage_dump
Download the code.
git clone
Download dataset in our paper's link.
Unzip the dataset to ./garbage_dump_detection/data/
├── mmdet
├── tools
├── configs
├── data
│ ├── garbage_dump_2022
│ │ ├── VOC2012
│ │ │ ├──train
│ │ │ │ ├──Annotations
│ │ │ │ ├──JPEGImages
│ │ │ │ ├──train.txt
│ │ │ ├──test
│ │ │ │ ├──Annotations
│ │ │ │ ├──JPEGImages
│ │ │ │ ├──test.txt
Get the docker image from Docker-hub.
sudo docker pull y389164605/garbage_dump_detection:latest
Create a docker container with the above image.
sudo nvidia-docker run --privileged=true --name=$[YOUR_CONTAINER_NAME] --shm-size=8g -d -p $[PORT_FOR_CONTAINER_PORT_22]:22 -v /home/$[YOUR_USERNAME]/garbage_dump/garbage_dump_detection:/garbage_dump_detection y389164605/garbage_dump_detection:latest /usr/sbin/sshd -D
a. If the terminal remains inactive, create a new terminal and continue the operation.
b. /home/$[YOUR_USERNAME]/garbage_dump/garbage_dump_detection
in your computer and /garbage_dump_detection
in your docker container are a pair of mapped folders and they will remain consistent.
Enter the above docker container.
sudo docker exec -it $[YOUR_CONTAINER_NAME] /bin/bash
cd /garbage_dump_detection
python develop
PS: Installation can be completed in about 0.5~1 hour with good internet access.
Download the pre-trained model here and put it in /home/$[YOUR_USERNAME]/garbage_dump/garbage_dump_detection/checkpoint_backup/
Run the following code in container.
cd tools
PS: Demo can be completed in less than 20 seconds.
Download the pre-trained model here (same as Demo) and put it in /home/$[YOUR_USERNAME]/garbage_dump/garbage_dump_detection/checkpoint_backup/
Resize your images to 1024*1024 pixels.
Copy all your images to /home/$[YOUR_USERNAME]/garbage_dump/garbage_dump_detection/tools/batch_inference_data/
Run the following code in container.
cd tools
Check your imference results in /home/$[YOUR_USERNAME]/garbage_dump/garbage_dump_detection/tools/batch_inference_data/inference_visualization
cd tools
python ../_myconfigs/pascal_voc/
Note: If you want to train with your own dataset, replace the dataset in /home/$[YOUR_USERNAME]/garbage_dump/garbage_dump_detection/data
with yours and keep the data and folder format the same as ours.