DonutsInBelly / twitchbot

carlinbotbot's inner workings
MIT License
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Carlin's Twitch Bot

Hello! This is a bot that I have been building for my streams and I pretty much built most of it on stream! If you're interested in what' goes on in the development of the bot, visit my channel at

This bot is also free to use if you want use it for yourself!


  1. Install Node.js
  2. npm install
  3. Set up the .env file. See the next section on what goes in it.
  4. You may want to remove the points.json file if you don't want my currently set points for gambling
  5. npm run compile
  6. npm start

The .env File

TWITCH_CLIENT_ID=<Twitch Client ID, get from>
TWITCH_CLIENT_SECRET=<Twitch Client Secret, get from>
TWITCH_ACCESS_TOKEN=<Follow the steps in the next section to get this.>
TWITCH_REFRESH_TOKEN=<Follow the steps in the next section to get this.>
CHANNELS=<list of channels to listen to, comma-separated without spaces>
DISCORD_SERVER_INVITE=<Discord Server invite, if you have one>

Getting Twitch Access Token and Refresh Tokens

  1. Have your client ID ready.
  2. Wherever REDIRECT_URL is used, use http://localhost if you dont have one.
  3. Replace the variables in this url and remove the whitespace
  1. Use Postman and send a GET request to that URL, you should get redirected to URL containing the code as a query parameter.
  1. Build another URL, this time containing the code you got from the previous step.
  1. This time, using Postman, send a POST request to this new URL. You should receive a JSON response looking like this and should contain your Access Token and Refresh Token for your .env file.
  "access_token": "0123456789abcdefghijABCDEFGHIJ",
  "refresh_token": "0123456789abcdefghijABCDEFGHIJ",
  "expires_in": 3600,
  "scope": ["chat:read", "chat:edit"],
  "token_type": "bearer"