DopplerHQ / cli

The official CLI for interacting with your Doppler secrets and configuration.
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Fix installing updates via winget #420

Closed Piccirello closed 11 months ago

Piccirello commented 11 months ago

winget upgrade errors if the CLI is running when we try to update it. We need to exec winget upgrade in the background and then immediately exit. This has the downside that our error handling/messaging isn't as robust, we can't capture timing/success anlytics, and upgrading via the auto-upgrade prompt does not result in running the original command. For ex, if a user runs doppler configs and then chooses to update when prompted, the CLI will update and exit before executing the configs command. We want users to always be on the latest CLI version, so these limitations are preferable to requiring users to manually run doppler update.

Closes ENG-6662