DopplerHQ / cli

The official CLI for interacting with your Doppler secrets and configuration.
Apache License 2.0
231 stars 44 forks source link
cli doppler doppler-cli environment-variables secret-management secrets secrets-management secrets-manager security

Doppler CLI

The Doppler CLI is the official tool for interacting with your Doppler secrets and configuration.

You can:


The Doppler CLI is available in several popular package managers. It can also be installed via shell script, GitHub Action, or downloaded as a standalone binary.

For more info, including instructions on verifying binary signatures, see the Install page.


Using brew is recommended:

$ brew install dopplerhq/cli/doppler
$ doppler --version

To update:

$ brew upgrade doppler

For installation without brew, see the Install page.


Using winget is recommended:

$ winget install doppler
$ doppler --version

To update:

$ winget upgrade doppler

For additional options, see the Install page.

Shell script

This option is recommend for CI jobs and other environments that won't make use of package manager updates.

$ (curl -Ls --tlsv1.2 --proto "=https" --retry 3 || wget -t 3 -qO- | sh

For more info, see the Install page.


See Install page for instructions.


See Install page for instructions.

GitHub Action

You can install the latest version of the CLI via GitHub Action. See the cli-action repo for more info.


Setup should only take a minute (literally). You'll authorize the CLI to access your Doppler workplace, and then select your project and config.

$ doppler login                     # generate auth credentials
$ doppler setup                     # select your project and config
# optional
$ doppler configure --all           # view local configuration

By default, doppler login scopes the auth token to the root directory (--scope=/). This means that the token will be accessible to projects using the Doppler CLI in any subdirectory. To limit this, specify the scope flag during login: doppler login --scope=./ or doppler login --scope ~/projects/backend.

Setup (i.e. doppler setup) scopes the selected project and config to the current directory (--scope=./). You can also modify this scope with the scope flag. Run doppler help for more information.