DopplerHQ / cli

The official CLI for interacting with your Doppler secrets and configuration.
Apache License 2.0
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Add `configure flags` command for configuring CLI behavior #436

Closed Piccirello closed 4 months ago

Piccirello commented 8 months ago

This PR adds the ability to configure various CLI behavior via a new configure flags command. The following flags default to true and can be disabled via configure flags disable or via setup with a valid doppler.yaml.

Closes ENG-6729, closes #422, closes #407

agilesteel commented 4 months ago

Any updates here? The issues this PR closes are ~8 months old, so it would be really great to merge this one in.

nmanoogian commented 4 months ago

Any updates here? The issues this PR closes are ~8 months old, so it would be really great to merge this one in.

Thanks for the bump, @agilesteel! I'll be taking this PR over and I should have it fixed up and ready to go shortly.

agilesteel commented 4 months ago

Bro for real we've been waiting for 8 months and you fixed it in 2 days. Epic! 👏🏼

nmanoogian commented 4 months ago

Bro for real we've been waiting for 8 months and you fixed it in 2 days. Epic! 👏🏼

Full credit goes to @Piccirello! He parted ways with Doppler before he could get this merged and all that was missing was fixing a small but tricky issue in the tests.

The delay since late October is on me; I apologize for that and we have improved our processes to make sure that PRs aren't allowed to sit for this long in the future.

Piccirello commented 4 months ago

@nmanoogian thank you for getting this over the finish line. I see this capability potentially serving future customization needs, beyond just the several people already asking for it.