DopplerHQ / cli

The official CLI for interacting with your Doppler secrets and configuration.
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Add support for CLI-based MFA recovery #458

Closed nmanoogian closed 3 weeks ago

nmanoogian commented 4 weeks ago

This PR adds a CLI command which simply calls POST /v3/me/mfa_recovery.

This depends on

nmanoogian commented 3 weeks ago

We're seeing an issue with our Windows test in that the response code of the download request is coming back "000" with an error code from curl. It's pretty easy to test with:

curl --tlsv1.2 --proto "=https" -w "%{http_code}" --silent --retry 5 -o "binary" -LN -D - "" 2>&1

Thanks to @watsonian for finding this issue: which appears to be the same problem.

I've removed the Windows test as a required check for now and I'll monitor the curl issue for updates.