DorianGrey / ng-webpack-template

A template for angular development using webpack with customized development and production workflow
MIT License
7 stars 1 forks source link
angular aot-compilation hmr jest ngrx pwa service-worker webpack workbox


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This project provides a template for an angular project setup with webpack. It started as a companion of ng-jspm-template, with the primary purpose to provide an almost identical codebase and feature set compared to its brother to make it easier to figure out which template fits better to the daily requirements of development with angular.

Status notice

I did not have enough time to keep this project up to date with the current angular development (esp. not in terms of features) for quite a while now, so I decided to officially stop maintaining it and put the repository in an archived state. Feel free to base your own project on it or use parts of it for other purposes.


To start using this template, you might either

You need to install a node.js version >= 8.9, since this project uses ES2015 language features, and we only support node versions from the current active LTS upwards. Things might work for earlier versions, but we do not provide any official support for this.

For users of nvm, we're providing a .nvmrc file, so that you only need to execute:

nvm install
nvm use

We strongly recommend to use nvm (or any other node version manager of your choice).

This version currently favors to use yarn for faster dependency management. To install it, just run

npm install -g yarn

Alternatively, you might use npm, as long as its version is 5.x or higher. There is an engine restriction in this projects package.json to enforce this. The primary intent is to get a proper package-lock.json as counterpart to yarn.lock to lock your dependency versions. Just replace the yarn part of the commands listed below with npm resp. npm run if you decide against yarn.

Project structure

The intended project structure, how to work with it and possibly extend it is documented in the docs folder.

Additional docs

Migration guides

Even if we always attempt to avoid breaking changes, there are a couple of situations where this is not possible. For these cases, corresponding migration guides will be provided. The already existing ones are listed below.



Just run

yarn start

which will fire up a development server (webpack-serve) using webpack's DLL feature up-front to speed up everything, and provide HMR functionality. The latter is based on ngrx/store. The server will be available on localhost:9987 by default (the URL will be copied to your clipboard as well. If you need to access the server via its public ip, just use yarn start:local instead.

For configuring you development environment, check out the development configuration docs.



E2E-testing is currently not included in the default setup. This might change in the future, but for the moment you will have to setup tools like protractor or cypress on your own.


This project uses jest for unit testing. It includes both the test runner and framework. If you are not familiar with it yet, just have a look at its docs - should be simple enough. Just note that we're using the BDD structure variant with describe, beforeAll, beforeEach, it etc. which should be quite familiar in case you have used jasmine or mocha before. The setup is based on jest-preset-angular. In case you have to modify it for your particular purpose, you can change the global mocks in config/jest/jestGlobalMocks.ts, the test setup config/jest/testSetup.ts and jest itself via jest.config.js. If you are facing any problems, take a look at the troubleshooting guide.

The tasks below are pre-defined for testing.

Command Effect
test Starts the test runner in watch mode. Suitable for quick TDD, but not for explicit debugging or coverage reports.
test:debug Starts the test environment in a debug-compatible (i.e. inspectable) mode. Please have a look at the node inspector docs for instructions how to use it. If you are using VSCode, you might use the provided launch task instead of this command.
test:ci Starts the test runner in a CI optimized mode. Ignores caches and creates a coverage report.

Generated reports are stored in the test-results directory like, containing:


Production builds are by default created using:

Optionally, you might:

These options might be suitable for a particular situation while being problematic in another.

The AoT version is using the @ngtools/webpack plugin. Please keep an eye on the list of issues marked as related to it in case you're facing any errors.

Beware: The whole AoT processing currently enforces rather strict rules (see a rather good explanation here) on how not only your own code has to be written, but also the code of the libraries you are using. While I'd strongly recommend to head this way if it is possible in any way, esp. the latter restriction might screw up this plan.

The tables below will provide a full overview of the relevant commands. Note that each build tasks will invoke the test task (includes linting, generating the translations and executing the unit-tests) before the real build.

In addition to the regular build, every production build will also generate a bundle size analyze report in HTML and JSON format (powered by webpack-bundle-analyzer). It can be found in the buildStats dir once the build task completes. Please keep in mind that it will be overwritten in every cycle.

Build tasks

The build can be configured in two ways:

See the build configuration documentation for details.

The preconfigured tasks are listed below.

Command Effect
yarn build Creates a producton bundle, by default in the build folder. Utilizes AoT compilation and build-optimizer.
yarn build:no-bo Creates a producton bundle, by default in the build folder. Utilizes AoT compilation, but not the build optimizer.
yarn build:no-service-worker Creates a producton bundle, by default in the build folder. Utilizes AoT compilation and build optimizer, but does not generate a service worker file.

Exemplary production server

The result of the build process can be served via the yarn serve command. Note that if you changed the outputDir option, you will have to provide it here as well, since the serve script accesses your build configuration.

Other tasks

Command Effect
yarn format Formats the code manually using prettier. While formatting is already applied automatically on commit creation or update, it might be useful to run this manually in some cases.
yarn lint Runs both script and style linter manually on the code. This task is executed in a similar way when trying to create a commit.
yarn inspect [mode] [other options] Provides an inspection of the webpack config constructed via webpack-chain. The first parameter is expected to be the target mode: dll for the development DLLs, dev or development) for dev mode, prod or production for build mode. All other parameters can be provided as usual for the start and build tasks.