Doriandarko / claude-engineer

Claude Engineer is an interactive command-line interface (CLI) that leverages the power of Anthropic's Claude-3.5-Sonnet model to assist with software development tasks. This tool combines the capabilities of a large language model with practical file system operations and web search functionality.
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πŸ€– Claude Engineer

Claude Engineer is an advanced interactive command-line interface (CLI) that harnesses the power of Anthropic's Claude 3 and Claude 3.5 models to assist with a wide range of software development tasks. This tool seamlessly combines the capabilities of state-of-the-art large language models with practical file system operations, web search functionality, intelligent code analysis, and execution capabilities.


TTS using 11labs WebSockets and audio streaming. Type

11labs on

to use TTS and 11labs off to return to regualr mode.

Voice mode πŸ—£οΈ: Now you can talk to the Engineer directly without even touching your keyboard.



to enter voice mode.

Say "exit voice mode" to return to regular text.

If you want to use your voice and 11 labs at the same time, first activate 11labs then type voice to use your voice.

Prompt caching. Make sure you udpate your Anthropic python package before running the script.

pip install --upgrade anthropic

✨ Features

πŸ› οΈ Installation

  1. Clone this repository:

    git clone
    cd claude-engineer
  2. Install the required dependencies:

    pip install -r requirements.txt
  3. Set up your environment variables:

    • Create a .env file in the project root directory
    • Add the following environment variables:
  4. Set up the virtual environment for code execution: Engineer will create a virtual environment to run code the first time it executes a piece of code. This is just for you if you want to run the main script in a virtual environment rather than in your default one.

    python -m venv code_execution_env
    source code_execution_env/bin/activate  # On Windows, use: code_execution_env\Scripts\activate
    pip install -r requirements.txt

πŸ”§ Virtual Environment Setup

Claude Engineer uses a dedicated virtual environment for code execution to ensure isolation and security. The virtual environment is automatically created the first time you run a piece of code. However, if you want to set it up manually or customize it, follow these steps:

  1. Create the virtual environment:

    python -m venv code_execution_env
  2. Activate the virtual environment:

    • On Windows:
    • On macOS and Linux:
      source code_execution_env/bin/activate
  3. Install the required dependencies:

    pip install -r requirements.txt
  4. Deactivate the virtual environment when you're done:


The code_execution_env virtual environment will be used for all code execution tasks, ensuring a consistent and isolated environment for running user code.

πŸš€ Usage

Run the main script to start the Claude Engineer interface:


Once started, you can interact with Claude Engineer by typing your queries or commands. Some example interactions:

Special commands:

After each interaction, Claude Engineer will display:

Code Execution and Process Management

Claude Engineer now supports executing code in an isolated 'code_execution_env' virtual environment:

  1. Use the execute_code tool to run Python code safely in the isolated environment.
  2. Long-running processes can be managed using the process ID returned by execute_code.
  3. The CODEEXECUTIONMODEL analyzes execution results and provides insights.

Using Different AI Models

Claude Engineer utilizes multiple specialized AI models:

The script automatically selects the appropriate model based on the task.

πŸ€– Improved Automode

The enhanced automode allows Claude to work autonomously on complex tasks with greater efficiency and control. When in automode:

  1. Claude sets clear, achievable goals based on your request.
  2. It works through these goals one by one, using available tools as needed.
  3. Claude provides regular updates on its progress, including the current iteration count.
  4. Automode continues until goals are completed or the maximum number of iterations is reached.
  5. You can specify the maximum number of iterations when entering automode (default is 25).
  6. Claude dynamically adjusts its approach based on progress and obstacles encountered.
  7. The TOOLCHECKERMODEL validates tool usage and outputs for increased reliability.

To use automode:

  1. Type 'automode number' when prompted for input, where number is the maximum number of iterations.
  2. Provide your request when prompted.
  3. Claude will work autonomously, providing updates after each iteration.
  4. Automode exits when the task is completed, after reaching the maximum number of iterations, or when you press Ctrl+C.

πŸ“Š Enhanced Diff-based File Editing

Claude Engineer now supports an improved diff-based file editing system, allowing for more precise and controlled modifications to existing files. The new workflow includes:

  1. Reading the entire content of a file using the edit_and_apply function without providing new content.
  2. Applying changes to the file using the edit_and_apply function with new content, which shows a detailed diff of the proposed changes.
  3. Utilizing the CODEEDITORMODEL for specialized code editing tasks, ensuring high-quality modifications.

When editing files, Claude will:

  1. Show a detailed diff of the proposed changes, highlighting additions, removals, and unchanged lines with color coding using the Rich library.
  2. Focus on adding new code or modifying existing code without unnecessarily removing functionality.
  3. Provide a summary of lines added and removed.
  4. Apply changes carefully to avoid duplicates and unwanted replacements.
  5. Support various editing scenarios, including targeted changes, appending content, inserting at the beginning, and replacing entire file contents.
  6. Use the CODEEDITORMODEL to ensure code changes adhere to best practices and maintain consistency.

This feature enhances Claude's ability to make targeted improvements to your codebase while maintaining the integrity of existing functionality.

🧠 Dynamic System Prompt

The system prompt is now dynamically updated based on whether the script is in automode or not. This allows for more tailored instructions and behavior depending on the current operating mode:

  1. In regular mode, Claude focuses on providing helpful responses and using tools as needed.
  2. In automode, Claude is instructed to work autonomously, set goals, and provide regular updates on progress.
  3. The system prompt adapts to the specific task at hand, optimizing Claude's performance for each scenario.
  4. The system prompt now includes file context for enhanced token management.

The dynamic system prompt enhances Claude's ability to adapt to different scenarios and provide more relevant assistance.

πŸ“Š Token Management and Visualization

Claude Engineer now features improved token management and visualization:

  1. Enhanced token management using file context in the system prompt.
  2. Improved token visualization using a table format.
  3. Display of input, output, and total token usage for each model interaction.
  4. Visualization of remaining context window size.

These improvements provide better insights into token usage and help manage conversations more effectively.

πŸ”§ Available Tools

Claude Engineer comes with a set of powerful tools to assist with various tasks:

  1. create_folder: Create a new folder at a specified path.
  2. create_file: Create a new file at a specified path with content.
  3. edit_and_apply: Read the contents of a file, and optionally apply changes.
  4. read_file: Read the contents of a file at the specified path.
  5. read_multiple_files: Read the contents of multiple files at specified paths.
  6. list_files: List all files and directories in the specified folder.
  7. tavily_search: Perform a web search using Tavily API to get up-to-date information.
  8. execute_code: Run Python code in an isolated virtual environment.
  9. stop_process: Manage and stop long-running code executions.
  10. TOOLCHECKERMODEL: Validate tool usage and outputs for increased reliability.
  11. CODEEDITORMODEL: Perform specialized code editing tasks with high precision.
  12. CODEEXECUTIONMODEL: Analyze code execution results and provide insights.

These tools allow Claude to interact with the file system, manage project structures, gather information from the web, perform advanced code editing, and execute code safely.

πŸ–ΌοΈ Image Analysis

Claude Engineer now supports image analysis capabilities. To use this feature:

  1. Type 'image' when prompted for input.
  2. Drag and drop your image file into the terminal or provide the file path.
  3. Provide a prompt or question about the image.
  4. Claude will analyze the image and respond to your query.

This feature enables Claude to assist with tasks involving visual data, such as analyzing diagrams, screenshots, or any other images relevant to your development work.

πŸ›‘οΈ Error Handling and Recovery

Claude Engineer implements robust error handling and recovery mechanisms:

  1. Graceful handling of API errors and network issues.
  2. Automatic retries for transient failures.
  3. Clear error messages and suggestions for user action when needed.
  4. Logging of errors for debugging and improvement purposes.
  5. Ability to recover and continue operation after non-critical errors.
  6. Safe termination of long-running processes when needed.

These features ensure a smooth and reliable user experience, even in the face of unexpected issues or complex code executions.

πŸ’Ύ Chat Log Saving

You can save the current chat log at any time during your interaction with Claude Engineer:

  1. Type 'save' when prompted for input.
  2. The chat log will be saved to a file in the current directory with a timestamp in the filename.
  3. You can review these logs later for reference or to continue previous conversations.

🧠 AI Models and Specialized Agents

Claude Engineer utilizes multiple AI models to provide specialized functionality:

  1. MAINMODEL (Claude 3 or Claude 3.5): Handles general interactions and task processing.
  2. TOOLCHECKERMODEL: Validates the usage and outputs of various tools to ensure reliability.
  3. CODEEDITORMODEL: Specializes in code editing tasks, ensuring high-quality modifications.
  4. CODEEXECUTIONMODEL: Analyzes code execution results and provides insights.

These models work together to provide a comprehensive and intelligent development assistance experience.

Workflow Diagram

graph TD
    A[Start] --> B[Initialize]
    B --> C{User Input}

    C -->|"exit"| D[End]
    C -->|"reset"| E[Reset Conversation]
    C -->|"save chat"| F[Save Chat to Markdown]
    C -->|"image"| G[Process Image]
    C -->|"automode"| H[Enter Automode]
    C -->|Other| I[Regular Chat]

    E --> C
    F --> C
    G --> J[chat_with_claude]
    H --> K[Automode Loop]
    I --> J

    J --> L{Tool Use?}
    L -->|Yes| M[Execute Tool]
    L -->|No| N[Generate Response]

    M --> O[Tool Checker]
    O --> N

    N --> P[Update Conversation History]
    P --> Q[Display Token Usage]
    Q --> C

    subgraph Memory Management
        R[Conversation History]
        S[File Contents]
        T[Code Editor Memory]

    subgraph Models
        U[MAINMODEL - Claude-3.5-Sonnet]
        V[TOOLCHECKERMODEL - Claude-3.5-Sonnet]
        W[CODEEDITORMODEL - Claude-3.5-Sonnet]
        X[CODEEXECUTIONMODEL - Claude-3-Haiku]

    subgraph Tools

    J --> R
    J --> S
    J --> T
    J --> U
    O --> V
    AA --> W
    AB --> X
    M --> Y
    M --> Z
    M --> AA
    M --> AB
    M --> AC
    M --> AD
    M --> AE
    M --> AF
    M --> AG

πŸ‘₯ Contributing

Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit a Pull Request. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

πŸ¦™ Ollama eng is here

You can now have the power of this script, completely locally using Ollama and any of the supported function calling models: Llama 3.1 Mistral Nemo Firefunction v2 Command-R +

Before running make sure you install the latest version of the Ollama app and

pip install ollama



🚨Important note on safety when using Ollama Engineer!

Be extra careful if you ever let these local models run code on your machine, especially using the executing code tool. It may brick your machine. I disabled the tool execution completely for OLLAMA engineer but if you want to implement it again based on the original script use at your own discretion.

Star History

Star History Chart