Dosbodoke / chooselife

An open source mobile app made for Highliners
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clerkauth maps prisma react-native trpc


Mobile app for Highliners

Stack utilizada

Front-end: Expo, NativeWind

Back-end: Supabase

Environment setup

In order to run this project, you need to configure several services.


Supabase is used as the backend of the project, including database and authentication.

Create a project

Since supabase can be self-hosted, you can run it locally with npx supabase init or create a new cloud supabase project

But the tutorial will aim a cloud setup.

Configure database

All the migrations necessary to setup the database lives under supabase/migrations

In order to setup the remote database you need to

npx supabase link --project-ref <project-id>

You can get <project-id> from your project's dashboard URL:<project-id>

npx supabase db push

Configure oAuth

You also need to enable Google and Apple social auth

Follow these guides:

Setup Apple oAuth on EXPO

Setup Google oAuth on EXPO

Aditionally, you can Use Auth locally

Connect it with the EXPO Project

Go to the API Settings page in the Dashboard. Find your Project URL and anon keys on this page.

Create a .env file at the root of the project and fill up the following credentials


Google maps API keys

Expo has a extensive documentation for setting up Google Maps on a EXPO project

Follow the instructions here

Push Notifications

... under development

Running locally

First you will need to install Expo EAS and create a development build with

  npx eas build -e development

Then start the development server with

  npx expo start -c
