DotJoshJohnson / vscode-dotnet

A Visual Studio Code language server implementation for .NET/.NET Core.
MIT License
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:bangbang: Please note, this product is still in alpha.


VSCode.NET is a Visual Studio Code language server for .NET/.NET Core. It is designed to be fully compliant with the language server protocol and compatible with Microsoft's NodeJS language server client implementation.

Getting Started

Creating a language server using VSCode.NET is pretty simple:

  1. Create a new VS Code extension based on the language server example outlined in the VS Code documentation.

  2. In extension.ts, change the contents of the activate(context: ExtensionContext) function to the following (making changes as needded for your extension):

    export function activate(context: ExtensionContext) {
      let clientOptions: LanguageClientOptions = {
          documentSelector: ['plaintexet'],
          synchronize: {
              configurationSection: 'yourConfigSection',
              fileEvents: workspace.createFileSystemWatcher('**/.clientrc')
      let disposable = new LanguageClient('VSCode.NET', {
          command: 'path/to/your/server/executable.exe'
      }, clientOptions).start();
  3. Create a new .NET or .NET Core project and reference the VSCode package.

  4. Spin up a language server:

    using VSCode;
    using VSCode.Editor;
    namespace MyApp
      class Program
          static void Main()
              using (LanguageServer server = new LanguageServer())
                  server.Editor.ShowMessage(MessageType.Info, "Hello from .NET!");
  5. Read the API Documentation to learn more!