DotNetHypermedia / DotNetHypermedia

Hal media type server side library for .NET
MIT License
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DotNet Hypermedia

There are a heap of Hypermedia projects in the .net space, each with some great ideas. The problem is each are locked to a different framework or only support a single formatter (HAL or Collection.json).


We do not know the level of compromise needed to achieve these goals, but it has to be a community effort as the hypermedia space is very large. Each format (HAL, Collection+Json, Uber etc) all have their subtleties as do each of the frameworks.

The current scope of this project is:

Server Side

Client side

Similar to the server side, hopefully use similar representations to the server allowing the client to consume multiple Hypermedia formats.

Getting involved

We want as many people as possible to get involved as we can!

Any pull requests or issues with ideas which move us towards our goals, even if it is additional scenarios we need to think about.

Existing projects


Want to know more about Hypermedia in general or in the .net space. Have a look at the following resources: