DotPodcast / dotpodcast

Documentation for the DotPodcast project
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DotPodcast website

This is the content for the DotPodcast website. Crucially right now it's a place to work on things like the feed spec, but it could grow to become a more comprehensive home for everything we want to tell the public about the project.

Because of the public nature of GitHub, contributions to this repo are visible to those that follow us. So the language is purposely vague where it needs to be right now.

 Working on the site

To add or edit content on the site, you'll need Python and Virtualenv. Clone this repo and then cd into the directory you cloned the repo into. Then run the following:

virtualenv venv

This will create a directory called venv which hosts a Python environment, isolated from the rest of your Python installation and other projects.

Now run

source venv/bin/activate

Thisi tells your computer that when you type python or pip in the future, you're referring to this isolated instance. (To return to your original Python installation, just run deactivate.)

To install the relevant packages you'll need, run

pip install -r requirements.txt

This will install Pelican, Markdown and other requirements.

When you make changes, you can run

make html

And static files will be generated in the output directory.

There's a local development server which you can run, which will watch for changes and republish the site. Run this via

make devserver

Then visit http://localhost:8000/ in your browser, and you should see a copy of the site.

Publishing to GitHub Pages

Once you've made your changes, commit them to the master branch as normal, then from your terminal, run

make github

This will publish the static files and copy them to a Git branch called gh-pages, which will then be pushed to GitHub. After a few minutes, you should see your changes at