Dotneteer / spectnetide

ZX Spectrum IDE with Visual Studio 2017 and 2019 integration
MIT License
206 stars 27 forks source link
disassembler ide zx-spectrum-emulator


Besides SpectNetIDE, I'm actively working on bringing a similar experience to Visual Studio Code with Klive IDE. In the future, though I still maintain this project, I focus on Klive IDE.

Version 2.0 (Preview 11) released

This is a service version including:

For more info check the changelog.

You can download the V2.0-preview 11 VSIX installer from the Releases page.

Version 2.0 (Preview 10) released

This is a cumulative release including many fixes:

For more info check the changelog.

You can download the V2.0-preview 10 VSIX installer from the Releases page.

Version 2.0 (Preview 9) has been released!

I have been actively working on version 2 since June 2019.

Preview 9 has these limitations:

I decided not to implement VS 2017 compatibility, so version 2.x will work only on Visual Studio 2019, or later. Also, I discontinue implementing the Z80 Assembler Output and Z80 Unit Test Explorer, and Spectrum Scripting Console App features, as they are not used by the community.

You can download the v2.0-preview 9 VSIX installer file here.

Stay tuned!

About the Project

This project implements a ZX Spectrum integrated development environment (IDE) that is integrated into Visual Studio 2017 and 2019. Initially, I intended this project to be just a demo project so that I can use it in my agile software design and testing courses. However, it became a fun project.

It (will) support the following ZX Spectrum models:

At the moment the code is entirely written in C#. Nonetheless, I plan to implement certain parts in C++ (somewhen in the future, for the sake of performance), and maybe in JavaScript/TypeScript, too.

SpectNetIde supports you in two main scenarios:

  1. Code discovery. The IDE is full with tools you can use to discover/reenginer exsisting BASIC/Z80 assmebly code.
  2. Code creation. You can easily create, run, debug, and export Z80 assembly code.

I cannot be grateful enough to Simon Brattel. Many features I have been implementing in the SpectNetIde assembler were inspired by Simon's outstanding Zeus Z80 Assembler. I honor his ideas and work.

Taste the Pudding!

You can download the VSIX installer file here.

To get an impression about SpectNetIde, see these short articles with screenshots:

  1. Install SpectNetIDE
  2. Create your first ZX Spectrum project
  3. Use the Keyboard Tool
  4. Create and run a simple BASIC program
  5. Create and run a simple Z80 program
  6. Export a Z80 program
  7. LOAD a program
  8. Fast (Instant) LOAD
  9. The ZX Spectrum Emulator

Distinguishing Features

Probably is less mature than most of the ZX Spectrum emulators with longer past — Nevertheless, this project has some unique features:

Future plans

I do not want to stop here, and plan a number of exciting features:


You can contribute to the project. Please contact me by email: