Double0negative / xServerChat

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[REQUEST] I want to continue development of this plugin #11

Open jpresent opened 10 years ago

jpresent commented 10 years ago

Dear Double0negative,

Not long ago I found your plugin and I saw that you discontinued its development. I have downloaded its source and I have added a lot of things. Among those things are command support, fake players in the player list and a donate command for all linked servers executing multiple commands on every server as configured in their configs. I would like to take this plugin's intellectual property and continue its development as my own. I hope that you will allow me to do so.

Sorry for messaging you this way, but I couldn't find any other way to reach you.

I will leave your name and the names of the other contributors in the credits.

Yours faithfully,


(Please mark this, so I know you've read it)

ghost commented 10 years ago

Not mine to govern, but why not just fork and upload to GitHub?

Sure, it's not licensed so you don't have to, but why not?

jpresent commented 10 years ago

I'm not allowed to publish the plugin without the intellectual ownership. If I want my updates to the plugin published without the intellectual ownership, then I would have to send the jar to Double0negative and wait for him to publish it. Forking on github is possible, but the license only allows me to modify the code for own use, not for publishing, which is basically what I've done so far. The plugin is protected by international copyright laws as is stated on the plugin's main page: "License: All rights reserved"

ResqDiver1317 commented 7 years ago

As much as I hate to kickstart a really old thread like this, I'm curious if anything ever happened with you (or someone else) continuing this. We are using v0.2.7 on a few servers (1 spigot, 2 thermos/cauldron, and 3 Sponge serves) for our community. Had no issues until today when all of the sudden started only getting some chat coming back to our "standard" server (which is the server setup as Host, and is running Spigot for 1.12.1). What is really weird is that the other 5 servers can see the chat just fine from eachother and from standard, but chat coming into standard only seems to be displaying for some people. (anyone on the other servers chat, some people on standard see it, and some don't). Hoping either someone has an idea what is going on or that this plugin has been continued somewhere so I can update it and see if that resolves it.