Double0negative / xServerChat

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Duplicate message fix not in latest build #8

Closed JakeYde closed 11 years ago

JakeYde commented 11 years ago

Duplicate message fix not in latest build, instructions to self build via ant are unclear.

Stoolbend commented 11 years ago

To build the latest copy of the plugin (which has the fix for duplicate messages) build using ant, and using the "plugin" target. Pretty easy to do in eclipse. Not too sure on other OS's with ant but google will be of help.

Just a note to any other contributors, if you change code, please build the new jar's using ant so people can have the latest one!


JakeYde commented 11 years ago

Unfortunately these instructions are just as unclear (indeed identical) as those found on the front page. Google will not provide any clarification either. Consider, most server admins are not java programmers or coders. We have little to no experience with either ant or eclipse.

I personally have tried to import this project into eclipse myself and build following your instructions rather then pester you for a more current build.

Steps I've take to try to follow your instructions: 1 Open Eclipse 2 Click File > Import 3 Select Git > Projects from Git > Click Next 4 Select URI > Click Next 5 Paste URI from Main Page here (git:// > Click Next 6 Check Master > Click Next 7 Make Directory a local path I am familiar with (D:\Development\eclipse\xServerChat) > Click Next 8 Select Use the New Project wizard 9 Select Java Project from Existing Ant Buildfile > Click Next 10 Select build.xml from cloned git repository > Select "javac" task found in target "compile-plgn" > Finish 11 Scratch head, wonder what to do next, and wonder what I am missing. Is the xServerChat.jar in the out folder now the one from the updates source or the one located on this site? Is it located somewhere else? (I know automatically build is checked so I assume it's somewhere.) Must I execute something to get it? Is there some command i must run and if so from where?

I understand you're a busy person. If you could tell me what I'm doing wrong or even point me to a "Let me Google that for you" or something similar. Anything would be helpful as right now this much needed plugin on our server is spamming the heck out of us all.

Stoolbend commented 11 years ago

Yes no problem. Sorry, I will do a step by step later on when im on the pc.

Sorry for the confusion :(

EDIT: Here we are. Here's how I would do it in eclipse

1 Open Eclipse

2 Create a new java project (in your usual way I assume. People may do it differently). Just a blank java project.

3 Once you have made the project, right click the folder in the package explorer and goto Team > Share Project

4 Choose Git repository type

5 Either create a repository in a different directory or check "use or create repo in parent folder of project" which is what I usually do. Once you have a valid repository, the finish button will light up.

6 Hit finish, then right click the project folder again, this time going to: Team > Remote > Fetch

7 Paste the URI into the location box (git:// then hit next.

8 Click the "Add All Branches Spec" button and "Add All Tags Spec" button, then hit Finish.

9 It will now download the information from here, and when its done it should say that its downloaded a master branch.

10 Now thats done, right click the project folder for the last time, and choose: Team > Show in Repositories View

11 Drag the new window it made into the middle so we can see what we are working with now. In that view it should show the name you gave to the project, double click that and then double click Branches, then Remote Tracking. In that folder you should see that there is a branch (for me called choose_remote_name/master) which will be /master.

12 Last step! Right click that branch we just found, and choose Checkout! The files in your project should now reflect the latest files up on here!

13 Now you can add stuff like the Bukkit API and Vault to eclipse's buildpath so you can work without red lines everywhere.

Thats how to checkout the project so you can work on the files. To build it now is quite easy

1 Find the build.xml in your project (should be in the root)

2 Right click the build.xml and choose: Run As > 1 Ant Build

3 That will (by default) build the plugin jar from the code in your workspace for this project. Will work if you have made changes (that work) also.

4 The output from the build will be in the "out" folder.

If you want to build the dedicated server (which I usually work on and my automatic builds are available at then its best to add the ant view by clicking the Window menu at the top of eclipse, then choosing: Show View > Ant

1 Click the + Ant symbol of that window (symbol first on the left) and then select the project, then the build.xml

2 Then it will read the file and add it into the box.

Thats the way I do my ant builds. All you need to do with that is double click the target you want to build, so "plugin [default]" for the plugin Jar, and "dedi" for the dedicated server jar.

JakeYde commented 11 years ago

Thank you so very much, this is exactly what I needed and worked like a champ!

Double0negative commented 11 years ago

Im curious why this is built with ant and not maven

Stoolbend commented 11 years ago

Because I am simple and dont know how to use maven? :(

On 7 June 2013 09:43, Double0negative wrote:

Im curious why this is built with ant and not maven

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