Doug-Pardee / LightZombie

The LightZombie Project kept the LightZone photo editor software usable through open-source updates. It's no longer relevant, as LightZone has been released to Open Source.
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The LightZombie Project - (obsolete and retired)

This project is OBSOLETE and RETIRED. LightZone is now open source. See for current activity, and for downloads, support, etc.

The LightZombie Project was an unofficial, volunteer, open-source project that aimed to keep the LightZone photo editor usable for as long as practical. LightZone's creator, Light Crafts Inc., ceased operations in September 2011. In December 2012, Fabio Ricardi released the LightZone 3.9 source under a BSD license.

New LightZone licenses are no longer being sold, but existing licenses continue to work. The activation process goes through Digital River's eSellerate, not through Light Crafts, so activation isn't a problem. The Linux version doesn't do activation at all.

This github project is the technical side of the LightZombie Project. Here you will find files to download, a tech-oriented wiki, and an issue tracker.

If you've lost the install package for LightZone and need a replacement, or if you're on a Mac and have found out that the 3.9 version doesn't work with Java SE6 or Lion, you'll find links to download the latest/final install packages over on the wiki.

Please see the wiki for more information.

Navigating github

There's a full-width button bar just below the project name. The buttons of interest are:

Interested in contributing?

Software developers are welcome to contribute. At the moment we could especially use a Mac developer to support that platform, and someone familiar with EXIF to work out the kinks in metadata interpretation. To contribute, simply fork the project, make your changes, commit them and push them to the github repository, then submit a Pull Request (you might need to learn about git and github first).

If you just want to contribute to the wiki, you'll need a github account. Then send an email to Doug-Pardee requesting access. The email address is in his github profile.

The LightZombie necromancy crew:


Unless otherwise indicated, all original work of the LightZombie Project, including README and wiki content, is released to the public domain.

Some of the files contained in the LightZombie Project are not original work, and those are licensed separately by their creators or rights-holders.


Trademark acknowledgements: Light Crafts, LightZone, ZoneFinder, ZoneMapper, ToneMapper, and RegionMapper are trademarks of Light Crafts, Inc.