Douro-ui / design-system

Douro UI is a Design System for all Metyis projects and partners
MIT License
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Douro UI

Douro UI is a Design System for all Metyis projects and partners.

What´s Inside

This project has a design system to all Metyis projects, including components, utils, icons, etc.. Each package has its own package.json file and defines its dependencies, having full autonomy to publish a new version into the registry when needed. Click on each package link below to find instructions on how to install, configure and use each of them.




To execute story just run on the terminal yarn storybook and it will be opened in port 6006.

Git Practices

It's mandatory to send only one commit per Pull Request following the best guidelines from Conventional Commit with body description on the commit so the CHANGELOG could be properly feeded with good description.

<type>[optional scope]: <description>

[optional body]

[optional footer(s)]


For managing a publish action you will need to create a personal access token in GitHub with write/read scope for packages. To do so, please follow this guide and create your own: Managing your personal access tokens.

This monorepo uses Lerna to deal with versioning and publishing. We configured independent mode so Lerna will look into the commit to check what version will be defined: Major, Minor or Patch. To enable this automaticaly you will need to follow the guidelines from Conventional Commit. For example, a new feature will lunch a new minor version (0.0.0 -> 0.1.0) but a fix will publish a patch (0.0.0 -> 0.0.1).

All the versions are stored in GitHub Packages, so to install in some project you will need to setup that registry in the .npmrc.

If you need to update something and don't want to publish a new version just add the following to the commit [skip ci].


To install any package from this repository you need to config the .npmrc file in your project with the access to Github packages registry. Also, you need to create a Personal Access Token in your Github account to reach the registry.

