DovetailSoftware / dovetail-bootstrap

Get started writing Dovetail SDK applications. Included is an example of a web application using FubuMVC and Windows service application using Topshelf.
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Dovetail Bootstrap

This project aims to make your life easier while you write Dovetail SDK based applications. Included in this project are two example applications:


Database operations



Web Applications

Our premier example is a web application using Dovetail SDK and FubuMVC. This web application is a good starting point for whatever information or user experiences you wish to expose for your Dovetail/Clarify applications.


This example web application can:

Windows Service

We also include a simple Windows service example using Dovetail SDK and Topshelf which polls a Clarify database for open case information.



Internet Access

Bootstrap build process downloads dependent components from the Internet, so Internet access is required.

Dovetail SDK

Bootstrap requires .Net 4.7.2 is dependant on the Dovetail SDK nuget package bundled with the Dovetail SDK starting with version 3.2 released January 19th 2012. We recommend that you use Visual Studio 2019 or newer with IIS Express installed.

To download the latest version of Dovetail SDK sign onto Dovetail's Support Center and click on My Products. If you are entitled to Dovetail SDK you will see it in your list of products. If you do not have access to Dovetail SDK or wish to become a Dovetail customer please contact us

Out of the box Bootstrap is looking for the Dovetail SDK nuget package in c:\Program Files\Dovetail Software\fcSDK. If you installed Dovetail SDK to another directory please edit Nuget.targets with the correct path.


We use rake for our build automation. If you do not have rake already installed.

  1. Download the ruby installer for Windows.

  2. Go to a command prompt.

    • gem install rake
  3. Add required gems.

    • gem install albacore
  4. Run Rake to build and run unit tests.

    • rake

Update Config Settings


To take the web application for a spin you'll need to update your web.config with your database connection settings for your development Clarify database instance.

Integration tests

The rakefile.rb should get updated with the correct database connection settings for your test database.

### Edit these settings 
DATABASE = "mobilecl125"
DATABASE_CONNECTION = "Data Source=localhost;Initial Catalog=mobilecl125;User Id=sa;Password=sa"

To run the integration tests:

rake ci

Important: Integration test runs will create test data. Do not put in your production connection details

Optional - Schema update

The authentication token feature for bootstrap APIs require a schema change. Yes we have automation for that! If you have Dovetail Schema Editor installed all you have to do is:

rake setup:apply_schemascripts

Cool thing about this automation is any schemascript files present in the schema directory will get applied. Have fun.

If you want to do this with Amdoc's ddcomp tool... You should really try Schema Editor :heart: Contact Us

Take it for a spin

Open the Solution

Double click on the 2010 Visual Studio solution: /source/Bootstrap.sln


Make sure Web is your startup project. If it is. The Web project will be bold in your Solution Explorer.

Hit Ctrl+F5 to build and launch the site.

Nuget Automation

nuget:update - Update nuget dependencies for the entire project nuget:build - Update nuget dependencies for the entire project