DownloadTicketService / dl-docker

Dockerising tools for DL repository
GNU General Public License v3.0
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dl docker-image download filesharing tickets transfer

DL-Ticket: Download Ticket Service

This is the Dockerised web tool dl-ticket.

DL is a tool for sending/receiving files through a web interface (ticket service).

Please, check official website: or its Github code:


Database: SQLite3

This image only works with SQLite3 user management. Files are NOT stored in a database but in a private directory.

Empty initial database

This image will create an empty database with an admin / admin login if no db is found.

User management tools

This image includes an easier way to change admin password called "". Check containers output.

Data Persistence

If you want to use this as a production service, you'll need a volume for /var/spool/dl directory. Container will try to fix folder permissions.

Example: -v /storage/dl-ticket/persistent-data:/var/spool/dl

Configuration folder

DL's default configuration is included inside the public html. For easier configuration I created a folder /app/config iside the container where configurations can be made.


There's a template htaccess which you might not need to modify. It's placed at /var/www/html/.htacces which is a symlink from /app/config/.htaccess It includes 3 PHP value modifications: post_max_size, upload_max_filesize and memory_limit. These can be set as environmental variables as you'll read below.


include/config.php has been replaced to include /app/config/config.php file.

Volume for configuration

As both config and htaccess are now taken from /app/config, one can use a volume for them

example: -v /storage/dl/config_folder:/app/config

Current supported customisations through envionment variables


If not defined, it'll use the one that client tells the server. Notice no protocol is set. Current image only working over SSL proxy or HTTP.

Example: -e Or: -e


Defaults to: "ticket service Dockerised".

This variable will be the email address the tool will use to send emails to receptors/users when needed. Not mandatory but really recommended. Mind it has no SMTP support. It'll use PHP mail function.

Example: -e FROM_ADDR="My Company's Ticket Service"


Defaults to: en_EN. Mind that this variable will get to apache server too, so it'll reach apache's plugins and modules. dl-ticket supports a few languages choose the one you prefer, and help adding new ones!!!

Example: -e LANG=es_ES


Defaults to: UTC

Set your server's timezone as needed.

Example: -e TIMEZONE=Europe/Madrid


Defaults to: 20M

PHP's post_max_size. Example: -e POST_MAX_SIZE=25M


Defaults to: 20M

PHP's upload_max_filesize. Example: -e UPLOAD_MAX_FILESIZE=25M


Defaults to: 25M

PHP's memory_limit. Example: -e MEMORY_LIMIT=25M