DrDynamic / dotbot-git

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Dotbot git Plugin

Plugin for Dotbot, that adds git directive, which allows you to clone or pull git repositories.


  1. Simply add this repo as a submodule of your dotfiles repository:

    git submodule add https://github.com/DrDynamic/dotbot-git.git
  2. Pass this folder (or directly git.py file) path with corresponding flag to your Dotbot script:

    • -p /path/to/file/git.py


    • --plugin-dir /pato/to/plugin/folder


This plugin needs git 2.22 or later to be installed.

Also please note, that this plugin clones repositories direcly into the given path. No subfolders are created!


Name Description Required
url The URL to the remote repository Required
branch The branch to checkout after clone (or pull) optional
commit The commit to checkout after clone (or pull) optional
method Either clone, pull or clone-or-pull (see Supported methods) optional
description The description of the Repository (only for log output) optional
recursive If true, git clone and/or git pull will be run with --recurse-submodules optional

Supported methods

Method Description
clone Just clone the repository and checkout the configured branch / commit. Ignore that entry if that is alredy done.
pull Just pull the existing directory. Failes if the directory doesn't exist or isnt a git repository
clone-or-pull DEFAULT - Clones the repository if it doesnt exist or pulls changes if it does.

Supported task variants

- git: 
       url: <url to repository> 
       branch: <name of the branch>
       commit: <commit hash>
       method: <clone|pull|clone-or-pull> 
       description: <name of the repository or something like that>
       recursive: <true|false>


Example config

- git:
        url: 'https://github.com/zsh-users/zsh-autosuggestions'
        description: 'oh my zsh - autosuggestions'
        url: 'https://github.com/romkatv/powerlevel10k.git'
        description: 'oh my zsh - powerlevel10k'
        url: 'https://github.com/sorin-ionescu/prezto.git'
        description: "Install zprezto"
        recursive: true


"~/.dotfiles/bin/dotbot" -d "~/.dotfiles" -c "~/.dotfiles/packages.yaml" -p "~/.dotfiles/plugins/dotbot-git/git.py"